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  1. G

    Unburned Tobacco

    I also find tobacco not burned in the bottom but I apparently slobber like a mastiff down the stem and shank. I’m a clencher usually and find this had been a constant for me. I just empty any ash and dottle and relight the bowl later or just pack a new bowl
  2. G

    Hello, Again, from Connecticut

    Hello fellow CT resident
  3. G

    Does Bowl Shape and Size Affect Taste/Burn of Tobacco?

    EDIT: Fixed Capitalization in Title ( See Rule 9 ) I’m curious if there’s science behind it, but does the shape or size of the bowl affect the taste of the tobacco and how? I have read that some smokers have tried different blends in different pipes and had different results. I was breaking...
  4. G

    Hey from CT

    maybe when the pandemic fades I can make a trip. Boston is only 1.5 hours away. I haven’t been there for a couple years
  5. G

    Hey from CT

    All the way up north near the Mass border
  6. G

    Hey from CT

    Thank you for the welcome. I look forward to learning more from everyone.
  7. G

    Hey from CT

    Hey everyone, I’m not only new to this forum but new to pipes! I’ve been a cigar smoker for some time and found it hard to enjoy an entire cigar in the winter. Looked into pipes and have been enjoying it quite a bit. Bonus: wife doesn’t mind pipe smoking in the house. I’m still getting to know...