Copenhagen, Denmark – It was announced last week on social media sites that Danish Pipe Artisan, Tom Eltang would take a 20% stake in The Danish Pipe Shop. received this press release today:
Press release: New investor and change of ownership
On April 1st we announced that the Danish pipemaker Tom Eltang is now the owner of 20% of The Danish Pipe Shop and it was not an April’s fool!
For CEO Nikolaj Nielsen from The Danish Pipe Shop this is a step towards strengthening the profile of the shop and raising the level of competence around the shop. Tom Eltang has followed The Danish Pipe Shop closely the last couple of years and his main reason for entering the business is that he wants to support and help keeping the last real pipe shop in Denmark. Tom will also be made a member of the Board, and in addition he will assist Nikolaj in developing the shop, while he continues to make his amazing pipes to all his customers around the world. The goal is simple: We want to have the best pipe shop in the world.
If any question do not hesitate to contact us.
Med venlig hilsen/Best regards
Nikolaj L. Nielsen, CEO and partner
The Danish Pipe Shop
Frederiksberggade 36
1459 Copenhagen K
+45 33 12 36 51
Inside The Danish Pipe Shop
(L-to-R) – Sykes Wilford, Founder of, Pipe Maker Tom Eltang, and Kevin Godbee, Founder of in front of Eltang’s workshop in July 2010
Wow. That’s some pipe shop. I think I’d kill to have one like that where I live. Pipe smokers who live in that area are truly fortunate.