I was enjoying a pipe full of possibly 1950's Brown and Williamson Sir Walter Raleigh made in Louisville, Kentucky that I managed to get about 5 years ago from some people who bought property and in one of the sheds, on a stud was a tub of unopened Sir Walter Raleigh. I offered them a reasonable price for the tub and have sparingly enjoyed it. It was such a great tobacco that all you had to do was scoop out a bowl full, press gently on the top, light it and set back and enjoy the flavor. Seldom if ever do you have to relight. This is one of the luxuries of the old codger blends. So just for conversation sake, I was wondering what pipe blends pack similar for you. I still have about a quarter of the tub left and I hate the thoughts of finishing it because the new Sir Walter Raleigh is a major disappointment.