Wow, stunning assembly, too much too take in during one short viewing session. I love the assembly of MM965 tins. Are these all in your collection?
I can only wish, I certainly ain't no Rockefeller!
Sadly, it's my virtual collection, I go around looking for rare or odd tins, so it's only the images I got.
I've gotten lucky though, whilst looking for all this crap I sometimes stumble on an actual live full tin ready for the buyin' on the cheap --- just last night I found an old unopened tin of Dobie's No. 7 Blend for all of $11.99 !!!! It's got rust on the bottom and actually unlikely that the vacuum is intact, from what I've read about these old Dobie tins, but for $12 shipped it's all alright with me!
That it came from Chattanooga means alot personally to me as well, most of my family lives up in the Chickamauga area and we always spent a good bit of time in the 'ol choo-choo town...