Willie Mays Has Died.

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May 6, 2011
Olathe, Kansas
The great and legendary Willie had no rivals when it came to deciding who was the greatest all-around player of his or any era. Twenty-four times all-star, 12-time Gold Glover, 2nd in career homers to Babe Ruth at the time he retired. He could run like the wind, one of the best hitters in the game and anything else you could name. He could really hit and hit with power, run like the best in the game, and man could he field, and he could throw bullets to the bases. So long Willie, it was great knowing you!!


May 6, 2011
Olathe, Kansas
Yes, I should have mentioned that I am along time Dodger going all the way back to 1955. Yeah, "The Boys of Summer". I hated Mays because he played for the Giants and absolutely adored his style of play when he wasn't playing the Dodgers. I think Koufax is the only legend left from the 50's teams.