Well, I at least hate cleaning the one I have. Here's why. 1. I can't use a retort. They just don't work with the system well. If they do work, I can't figure it out. 2. The gunk buildup is epic. Even with shank brushes, bottle brushes and a lot of time spent, I've still gone through an entire pack of Long's standard bristle cleaners (40 in a pack) and they're still coming out dirty. I even clip them so I get at least 4 uses per pipe cleaner. 2a. Did I mention gunk? What feels like a half pack of q-tips later (realistically more like 1/3 pack) they're still coming out dirty too. 3. The stem has a pretty tight bend and with the p-lip it's a bugger to clean too.
All ranting aside, it looks beautiful and I hope it smokes as well as many say they do. It just makes me wonder though. Does the system encourage people not to clean it and if so, do owners really know the kind of crap they're leaving in their pipe?
If you love them, good on ya. Just be kind to the guy who's going to get it as an estate and clean it once in a while.
All ranting aside, it looks beautiful and I hope it smokes as well as many say they do. It just makes me wonder though. Does the system encourage people not to clean it and if so, do owners really know the kind of crap they're leaving in their pipe?
If you love them, good on ya. Just be kind to the guy who's going to get it as an estate and clean it once in a while.