Hi, funny, just reading something that made me think of Georges and looked it up on net to find your query. Did you get any info yet?
I'm not a smoker so i will leave this and depart. I went to KU in mid Sixties. At that time pipe smoking was cool for intellectuals so i thought i had to be a sophisticate and smoke a pipe at the age of 19.
Georges was where you stated on the Main St of downtown. I bought a straight stemmed briar and i imagine it was one of his own label. The shop was filled with everything related to smoking, pipes, tobacco, cigars, imported cigarettes in exotic varieties all new to a Kansas farm boy, such as Players in their hard sliding boxes with the sailor on the front and Gauloises in their bright blue packs.
The memorial thing about Georges was he had what was probably an authentic Cigar Store wooden Indian. I had only seen pictures and it was shorter than i expected. it had the traditional clothing and headdress and handful of cigars. It was mounted on a 4 wheel base. It sat outside on the sidewalk chained to something. A sign, maybe on the door, said, “When the Indian is out, George is in.” George locked it inside when he was closed.
Georges in the mid Sixties.