Which Tobaccos Should I Try?

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Dec 18, 2012
Hey guys,
I'm new to the forums and just thought that I'd come by and say hello. I've been smoking pipes for about 2 years now and I just recently started getting into more pipe tobaccos. I spent the summer over in Europe and purchased a pouch of Three Nuns and decided I really need to start trying new tobaccos. I want to try Dunhill Nightcap and 965. Other than than, I'm completely lost at which to try. Any suggestions? What are your favorites for the morning, afternoon, and evening? Thanks!



Oct 31, 2011
East Indiana
I would recommend you try the following:
Dunhill 965 - English

Lane 1Q - Aromatic

Solani 656 - Burley

Orlik Golden Sliced - Virginia

Escudo Navy Deluxe - Virginia/Perique
These will give you a broad base of flavors, so that you can better choose which tobacco direction to pursue.



Sep 14, 2011
I'll speak a word against Dunhill 965. Try Dunhill London first, if you want to try an all-day English from that house. Nightcap is much fuller.

I'll second SG Squadron Leader, however, and toss in a nod for Peterson Old Dublin. I'll also toss in a good word here for Peterson Sherlock Holmes, a Virginia/Burley.
My usual pattern these days is to start my day with MacBaren's HH Vintage Syrian. I like a Virginia in the middle of the day, and another latakia blend later. My favorite Virginias are SG Best Brown Flake and McCranie's Red Ribbon. My other stand-by larakia blends are Old Dublin, H&H Larry's Blend, and McCranie's Murdock's Pipe.
Enjoy the explorations. And don't feel you have to try everything. If you read a description that does not sound good to you, pass it by!



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
flastateguy, welcome to the forum. I am a Virginia and Virginia/Perique flake smoker. It is all I smoke. Here is a list of my current rotation. I consider these all no bite Virginia's and the TR next to the name means ready to smoke out of the tin with no additional drying time. If you have any questions about any of them feel free to ask.
Virginia Flakes:

Fribourg&Treyer Cut Virginia Plug and Vintage-TR

Wessex Campaign Brigade Dark Flake, Brown Virginia Flake , Gold Virginia Flake ( brown and gold TR)

Samuel Gawith Best Brown Flake and Full Virginia Flake

Hamborger Veermaster

Dunhill Flake TR

Astley’s no. 44 Dark Flake TR

Solani Silver Flake TR

John Aylesbury Luxury Flake TR

Mac Baren HH Old Dark Fired

Esoterica Stonehaven

Wessex Gold Brick

Rotary Navy Cut

Dan Tobacco - Tordenskjold Virginia Slices

Petersons Irish Flake
Virginia/Perique Flakes


Solani 633 TR

Samuel Gawith St James Flake

Dunhill Deluxe Navy Rolls



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 19, 2012
Bel Air, MD
Welcome to the forums!
Anything you can get your hands on!
+1. That's the only way to find out what you will like and want to smoke.
I enjoy Peterson Sherlock Holmes, Dunhill Nightcap, Early Morning, MM #965, Brigadier Black Bull Run, Gettysburg, and Alamo (haven't tried their Waterloo yet), and Captain Black White. Yes, I like the Cap'n, damn it. You may love them all or hate them all, won't know until you try them.
Also, if you have a local tobacconist they often sell their versions of many different blends for a few dollars per ounce which is a great way to find what you do and don't like. Ordering online is great and all, but why pay a shipping charge on something you wind up hating?



Dec 5, 2011
Which Tobaccos Should I Try?
Anything you can get your hands on!
Sums it up really... But since that's no help, there's tons of good tips from the more practical members here. I'd suggest

A good Burley: Sterling Tobacco - Double Eagle or Solani 656 Aged Burley Flake

A good Virginia: Cornell and Diehl - Opening Night or Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake

A good Virginia/Perique: Escudo or Esoterica Dorchester

A mild aromatic: The aforementioned 1-Q

A stronger aromatic: Cornell and Diehl - Autum Evening (Maple) or MacBaren Vanilla Cream (Vanilla - Duh ;-) )

A good Latakia / English blend: And I'll leave this to others that are more appreciative of these blends
That should give you a good variety of excellent tobacco's in each large category. Then from there you can start to figure out what you like and before you know it, bam ! TAD scores another victim :puffy:

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