Disclaimer: I have not tried any of these tobaccos. The following opinions are based on my findings from people who have (on the forums).
Dunhill Nightcap is heavy in Latakia, all of the Frog Morton's are a bit on the light Lat side. Most forum members seem to prefer Frog Morton's Cellar and Frog Morton on the Town. However those that do like Frog Morton on the Bayou and the original Frog Morton seem to swear by it. The Froggies are a good blend to see if you like Latakia with as they aren't too strong in it. It's almost like a gateway blend. I would recommend you try FMC (Frog Morton's Cellar) or FMOTT (Frog Morton on the Town) as they have been the highest recommended and best reviewed. I do think that FMOTT has a bit of Perique in it (I may be wrong, but I don't think I am). So if you do not like Perique maybe be expecting it when you o to smoke FMOTT. As far as the other Frog's I don't know which have Perique and which do not, or even if they all do. The Froggies do seem to be very well loved around here however so I expect that you'll like them, just know that they have Latakia in them, which Dunhill's Nightcap also has.
Hopefully this helps,