Thank you Admiral, I will check em out,yes they will dispatch parcels with no additional taxes,but another question is when the parcel reaches the destination country and being from outside of the european union commerical zone(non Eu country)such as
Andorra/Switcherland,Luxenbourg there are possibility you may nee to pay sales Tax ,this happened to me once when I had me a watch sended from Switcherland,
Madox:the best choice I'd like to suggest you is to order a pack of Carter Hall(good Baccy for the money btw)with smokingpipes,com and have them send it in an envelope using the UPS supersaver shipping option for only $ 2,50, based on my experience if you will keep your order goods at minimum its very unlikely that customs authorities starts bothering unless you are receiving them each another day.Furthermore bear in mind that this UPS supersaver option is turtle slow as well,since may take up to a month before You getting your goods- they go through a hub in Sweitzerland where gets relabeled and shipped again to addressant,Hope this helped, Best Greets, Paul