Here are a few standard suggestions I make to new pipe smokers about sampling tobaccos. Buy in small quantities for the next two years -- an ounce of bulk, one tin, or a pouch. Save (jar) even what you don't like, to see if your taste changes or age improves the blend. Try different genres as suggested in the earlier post -- Virginia, Virginia/Perique, English, Balkan, burley, select aromatics. I'd stay with mostly loose cut, but eventually try flake, coin, plug and rope (these are different cuts). Take your time. Three or four blends purchased at a time are plenty as you learn about blends. While you enjoy a rotation of four or five blends, read up on others, their constituent tobaccos, and how they compare with what you are smoking. There are sampler packs, but I'd encourage buying single samples a few at a time, so you learn about and choose each one. It's a learning curve, and that should be part of the enjoyment.