What is the number of members we have now?
pstlpkr Lifer Dec 14, 2009 9,694 31 Birmingham, AL Jul 14, 2011 #3 According to the Members list we have 268 pages @ 10 members per page... ergo.... 2,680.
winton Lifer Oct 20, 2010 2,318 772 Jul 14, 2011 #4 OK, what is the active list? People who show up at least weekly?
nathaniel Part of the Furniture Now Jan 4, 2011 791 511 Jul 15, 2011 #7 Somewhere between a whole bunch and several. Click to expand... :laughat yeah that sounds about right
Somewhere between a whole bunch and several. Click to expand... :laughat yeah that sounds about right
ranger Starting to Get Obsessed Jul 2, 2011 198 5 Jul 15, 2011 #8 U.A. you floor me with your wit :worship: ....I had to follow suit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbElSDkdGY4
U.A. you floor me with your wit :worship: ....I had to follow suit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbElSDkdGY4
unclearthur Lifer Mar 9, 2010 6,875 6 Jul 15, 2011 #9 Can't resist! Must be the Irish side coming out! :rofl:
bubbadreier Lifer Jul 30, 2010 3,011 4 Norman, Oklahoma Jul 25, 2011 #12 We have so many more people that read the threads than people that are actually members. About 7,00 unique people visit the site daily!
We have so many more people that read the threads than people that are actually members. About 7,00 unique people visit the site daily!