If you want to see chaos and uselessness, got to a bicycle forum and ask what makes a good bike. I am pretty sure that 98% of the participants there are under 16 years old, but they have no qualm in name calling, making everything political, religious, good, evil... And to even ask whether anyone there considers the skill and fitness of the rider might be more important than weight, gears, and tires, you get pounded and pounded by kawabunga flip haired gear heads. Ha ha. This is what I love about pipes. I think that most of us realize that the skill of the smoker can compensate, making it so that someone can make a beater into a great smoker with packing, cadence, and really getting to know how a certain pipe wants to be smoked. If you smoke like a frieght train driven by a meth head, you'll burn out even the top end of Dunhill or a Becker.
A few weeks ago, Skip at The Briary gave me an estate WDC that d a cracked shank that he was going to toss. I banded it, and fired it up, and it smoked itself for me. It was one of those moments where a I felt like every pipe I have owned prepared me for this one pipe. The stain is mottled, the rim chipped, and it's not a style pipe that I would ever buy, but it has given me many moments of sublime smoking pleasure. Someone else may think it not so great a smoker, but sometimes a person's personal skill lines up with the attributes of a pipe.
I don't believe that there is one perfect pipe that we could all agree on, because we have all developed different styles and skill of smoking. So, it's a very opened ended question with no one real answer, IMO. But, I'm not very smart.