Larry, you're comparing apples and oranges here. The site you reference also says:
"Every Castello pipe is completely hand made, from start to finish, from the finest available briar and has a hand cut Lucite stem."
The same thing is true of Savinelli high-end pipes. It is NOT true of Pisas, Oscars and their other entry level pipes. Not only are higher end pipes carved by the most experienced artisans available from top quality materials, those carvers have the time to make certain that every pipe that they make is precisely engineered and executed. A master carver can take hours crafting a pipe that will sell for $500, the same is not true of the craftsman making a pipe that will retail for $75.
The second pipe I ever owned was a Savinelli and in the 44 years since then I've owned a lot of them. All have been nice smokers but to expect that a pipe that took less than an hour to craft to be the equal of one that took 5 or 10 hours is unrealistic. Some cheaper pipes DO smoke as well as the expensive ones, I have a Hercules that is a match for any high-end pipe. But I don't expect every Hercules I buy to be that good.
My comment was referencing Savinelli pipes in particular, an area in which I have a certain amount of experience. Certainly, some of their entry level pipes will smoke as well as a Castello, they're made by highly skilled carvers. The key element here is time and that's a lot of what you're paying for in a great pipe.