I actually regret posting that link. There are some glaring inaccuracies in that article regarding the health risks, which essentially apply the carcinogens found in cigarettes to all tobacco. More WHO/EPA BS.
Our mistress known as tobacco goes by many names: Baccy, plug, flake, ribbon, shag, and when it is done being smoked in your pipe, the little bit of remainder is known as dottle.
It's what Mammy Yokum would have called tobacco. For those who don't know who she is, do a Google search. Maybe one of you guys could post a picture of her with her corncob. (I definitely have to take the time to learn how to post pictures on the forum.)
timm2, don't hesitate to ask any questions; everyone on this forum loves sharing their knowledge with new pipesmokers. I started smoking pipes in 1958 and have learned more here than anywhere else in all that time.
Kevin, has Mammy ever been a Pipe Babe?