what is a good pipe for a novice smoker

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Jun 16, 2011
I am having trouble finding a pipe that I like and where a good place to buy them is, online or stores. I want a large or extra large bowl but the problem is I don't know what is considered large in a pipe. I smoke frequently and like to smoke for a good while which is why I would like a large pipe but I do not know any good brands or where to buy them. I'm in college so I can't afford to buy 300 dollar pipes also. I also like that strong smelling tobacco but I don't know what the best brand of tobacco is to buy. Any help that anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated!



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 12, 2011

You would do well with one of these. You could order a pipe with bowl already, since you get to keep that bowl as a spare or for different tobacco types, and then order a large bowl too.

As for strong smelling tobacco, it depends if you want something with the smell of tobaccos, like an english or balkan blend, or an aromatic.



Jun 16, 2011
Ok thank you for the advice I can sure use it at this point lol. But I really think that its the aromatic tobacco that I smell whenever I pass a smoker. I'm smoking sir walter raleigh aromatic but I don't think it has the smell I'm looking for.



May 4, 2011
Hi. I'm also pretty new to pipe smoking, but I've done well in this area. I did some research and did a decent bidding campaign on ebay. I ended up with 2 very cool briars and a meerschaum and I never paid more than $15 for any one of them. My brother, on the other hand, bought a Missouri corn cob pipe (a Missouri Pride) for $4 to see if he liked pipe smoking. As it turned out, he did and is now hunting for a briar. I've got a Legend corncob, but right now the Meerschaum is my favorite.
As for tobacco, it's entirely personal preference. My first was Captain Black White, bought at a local shop. I then bought a tin of Dunhill's Early Morning Pipe. After that I knew I liked English blends and now I focus mainly on those but I have a wish list as long as my arm.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 12, 2011
Well, with aros, theres two things to look for. Not all of them taste as they smell. Its where experiments begin. Personally I go with petersons gold blend or plantas danish black vanilla for tinned, since I like vanilla. I'm sure you may have a taste or smell you want as a primary.



Jun 16, 2011
@ baronsamedi: yeah I have one briar pipe, Dr. Grabow, I bought for thirty bucks at a local shop. I'm smoking alot with it now since its my favorite and because I'm trying to build up the cake on it I rubbed a little corn syrup on the sides which is helping speed up the build. But as far as the different types of pipes like estate pipes, meerschaum, etc. I don't really know what they are like the reasons for the names or the differences in them. I also have a yello bole pipe which I believe is a cheap brand of meerschaum pipes. I bought it locally as well but I don't really care for it, seems to me that it tends to get hot easily and you have to stop smoking for a few minutes to let it cool off. Hahaha yeah I definitely have a huge wish list that seems endless and is updated daily lol.
@punkpiper yeah I'm going tomorrow evening to pick up some different tobaccos to try like a cherry blend, do you know how I would go about telling whether they are an english blend and stuff like that? I've tried prince albert but didn't care for it at all.



Jun 16, 2011
First pipe, personally I would not order my first pipe online. Use the pipe store locator on this site.

Having the expert help of an experienced pipe person first hand is invaluable.

They may also help by selling you smaller "sample" packages of various bulk tobaccos. (maybe even the odd freebie or test smoke.)

Selecting a pipe first hand can also help you find the right size.
I would go with a ~$25 dollar pipe, like a briar medico, or perhaps a good looking "basket pipe". Petersen and Savinelli also have excellent pipes that can be had in the $50 to $90 range, you can't really go wrong with either.

Corn cob is good, I have a few, but I believe experiencing a decent tobacco out of a briar pipe is important.

A basket pipe is usually a factory second or machine made low end pipe. I seem to have 1 or 2 in my rotation at any time. (aka, my beater pipes) The key is picking a pipe where the draw hole is drilled as close to the bottom of the bowl as possible.
One warning, avoid pipes made in china/asia. They are generally made from questionable materials. I saw one made from a wood that was high on the WHO toxic woods list. Can actually make you sick. Stick with briar for now.
A basket pipe, some cleaners, a few samples of tobacco, perhaps a tin of something nice, you can be up and smoking for ~$50.
Tobaccos, hmmm, there is a lot out there. Two that come to mind that you can't really go wrong with: GL Pease Meridian (english blend with a nice room note), or Sillems Black (top quality aromatic with very little preservatives/humidification chemicals). I understand GL Pease Key Largo is also excellent, but I have not tried it yet. The reviews on this site are good, I also like http://tobaccoreviews.com/.

The common "drug store" brands are fine too, but they can tend to bite your tongue easily. (plus I don't like the preservatives used to keep the tobacco fresh in those plastic pouches.)
If you can't get to a store, I use a few online stores that have treated me well, let me know and I will post them for you.
Whatever you do, pick a pipe you like, relax and enjoy a good smoke!



Jun 4, 2011
This should be right up your alley.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
I agree with Rick, ordering the first online is a bit risky, but you might get a real cheap pipe. I bought a basket pipe for $25 on ebay that turned out to be wonderful, but I bet that might be a little rare, particularly to the pipe novice. A budget Peterson or Savinelli is probably a good start. See what feels right in your hand. I only seem to prefer bents for the moment. The challenge is every B&M I've been in sells those for $90-$100 that you can get for $50-couple on Pipes&Cigars.com online. I believe someone here has a nice Savinell Trevi available for $45 in the trading section, give that a search.



Jan 1, 2011
The Interwebs
All the above is great advice, and remember that this passion is all about slowing your pace and taking your time to enjoy.

I also have a yello bole pipe which I believe is a cheap brand of meerschaum pipes. I bought it locally as well but I don't really care for it, seems to me that it tends to get hot easily and you have to stop smoking for a few minutes to let it cool off.

Erm...sounds like you may have some of the infamous Brylon, there. Put it on a shelf or use it to prop up the wobbly leg on the kitchen table. They're not good smokers. (That being said I still fire up one from time to time, when I'm in a masochistic mood.)

I want a large or extra large bowl but the problem is I don't know what is considered large in a pipe. I smoke frequently and like to smoke for a good while which is why I would like a large pipe but I do not know any good brands or where to buy them.

Chamber sizes have no exact standards, and will take some experience to get a feel for. Dunhill "group sizes" are as close to a gauge as there is; there are also pipes that are made to have extra-large chambers like stacked billiards, chimneys, XL, XXL, or the like. BUT, bear in mind that with a proper smoking tempo you should be able to wring 45 minutes to an hour out of an average 3/4"-7/8" diameter by 1.25" - 1.5" deep bowl. If you're burning through a bowl that size (which is probably what your Grabow is) in 15 minutes, you're smoking too fast to get the full flavor of the tobacco. This is easily remedied by slowing down, don't worry about producing great heaping clouds of smoke, and dry the tobacco a bit before packing. That smokingpipes.com package is a great deal, by the way.

I also like that strong smelling tobacco but I don't know what the best brand of tobacco is to buy.

But I really think that its the aromatic tobacco that I smell whenever I pass a smoker.

There's an incredible variety of tobacco available today, and 100 smokers will give you 1000 suggestions. That's going to be the quest that you will be on for the rest of your life--to find the perfect smoke! Enjoy it. For my two cents' worth, it sounds like you may do well to start out with some Danish style aromatics. If you have a local tobacconist they should be able to point you in the right direction. My personal recommendation would be CAO flavors like Cherry Bomb, it's a thoroughly-flavored blend based on quality tobaccos. Peterson's blends are also great, you really can't go wrong with any of the varieties.

Hope this helps and welcome to the fold!

Nov 14, 2009
Flowery Branch, GA
I'd also like to add a few things:
There are some manufacturers who do have size differences and the only way to find out is look for this kind of information when on their site. If you choose to get a Missouri Meerschaum Cob, I could suggest the freehand model due to the larger bowl size and these are around $30.
As for some of the materials and what they are, you can read Young and a Pipe Smoker.
Estate pipes are what we call pre-owned pipes, whether previously smoked or not.

As for tobacco, you can also do some research on luxurytobaccoreviews.com and tobaccoreviews.com
Just remember that this is all an experience and journey full of personal preferences.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
A basket pipe, some cleaners, a few samples of tobacco, perhaps a tin of something nice, you can be up and smoking for ~$50.
Rick777 has it about right. IMHO.

I might only add that buy a pipe that appeals to your aesthetic sensibilities.

If you don't like the way it looks.... you probably won't like the pipe.

A simple truth... but a truth non-the-less.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 19, 2010
I would like to 2nd the motion on going Ebay. While you may not get any "expert" advice on the pipes - the prices cannot be beat. I have augmented my colleciton just by browsing and picking up a pipe now and then. By browsing you will get a sense of brand names and styles that you may like. Also the investment is pretty minimal. I have picked up a few stray "dogs" online (for around $10-$20) that look terrible online. But after a good cleaning - ream 'em, swab 'em (with Everclear + pipe cleaners) and then hand polish them with a soft cloth and mineral oil and the ugly ducklings have turned into great looking smoking pipes. Also if you are like me - taking something that looks crappy and transforming it into a thing of beauty is fun!
If you are hesitant about the online purchasing thing...the browsing itself is valuable lesson as you can read what the sellers have to say about their pipes. There is a lot of information on Ebay just about the pipes which a wonderful learning experience about pipes history, etc.
FYI a big pipe is any pipe over 6 inches long and has a bowl larger than 2 inches in height.



Jun 16, 2011
Ok well since I can't possibly write everyone back individually on my phone, it would take forever! So I would just like to say thank you all for the great advicei really appreciate it and it has been very helpful im taking it under good thought!! I have three pipes now the dr. Grabow which was my first and a yello hole. I just bought a new kaywoodie yesterday with large bowl and I picked up some captain black cherry also but this damn mixture no.79 horse shit is absolutely horrific tobacco in my opinion lol. Would you guys know about how long I can for it to be until I begin building up a good cake on my pipes since I smoke each pipe on a regular basis and is there a way to tell when you're begging to build one?? Thanks for all the help once again!!!

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