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Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 27, 2012
I know expensive pipes are better but want a new one other than my great grandfathers I inherited. Don't want to use those no more. And would like a opinion on this one. And other opinions on great quality brand recommendations but not to pricey I'm trying to stay within $100 give or take budget. I'd also like bent and straight pipes also doesn't matter I want to eventually have different types.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
You can't go wrong with a Savinelli, they are great smokers. Rossi is a subsidiary of Savinelli, and have alot of Sav's shape that are even more affordable. Within your budget area, there are also Petersons, Johs, and even Missouri Meerschaum cobs that are all great smokers. Pipes don't have to break the bank to provide an amazing smoke. I myself collect estate Ben Wades, and have yet to spend over $80 on any of them.



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
In this past year I've had a blast shopping for estate pipes on "Fea"bay. I've been lucky and also was able to pick up several eminently smokeable pipes for very reasonable (to my mind) cost.

For instance, I got two batches of four pipes each from the same seller. Each batch of four pipes yielded four wonderful smokers, and even collectible ones. I got both batches for just over $80.00 total.

I've picked up several 'unsmoked' pipes this way too. Nice pipes.

In one auction I won three block meerschaum billiards AND a 3 pipe wooden rack w/glass humidor for about $20.00.

One cautionary note about this process of obtaining pipes.

It's easy to forget that you're really just looking to acquire a decent rotation or group of smokers so that you're not smoking the same pipe(s) all the time and can rest them occasionally to allow them to 'dry' and also to give them some cleaning and maintenance.

That pipe you've got in the original post looks quite terrific! If it floats your boat, go for it, because that merchant and the product both enjoy excellent reputation.

Happy Puffing!

Mike :puffy:



Might Stick Around
Jun 17, 2015
It all depends on their use. If you are looking for a show-stopping calabash a la Hans Landa for your smoking room and you've got the cash to burn, then sky's the limit.


However, if like me, you do lots of fishing on shore or in a boat, or camping, yard work, or generally lunting about and don't want to concern yourself with accidentally dropping your Landa to loss, buy up some MM cobs or $25 Dr. Grabows.
I most likey will NEVER have the experience of some ethereal smoke from a $800 estate pipe. I also know in my bones that all the relaxing time spent with my pipe clenched tight will be the same regardless the price tag.
That being said, I spend more money on shape and balance than the smoke promised. Pipes are one of my favorite functional works of art.



Jun 4, 2014
United States
You have to start somewhere and the Savinelli you posted will not disappoint. And y+1 on stocking up on some cobbs. The Missourie Meerschaum Free Hand smokes about as good as any other pipe I own.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 17, 2013
Savinelli are good pipes -- I have a couple, like them very much and would not hesitate to buy another.



Can't Leave
Jun 26, 2013
Looks like a good pipe. I enjoy my Savinelli. PipesandCigars will have pipe sale specials. You could get a good deal on a nice pipe there if you want to stay under $100.



Sep 14, 2011
Savs are very popular,and have a good rep. I don't own one, but that's me. Note that pipe has a filter - may be an issue.



Feb 21, 2013
Welcome to Forums. Savenellis are among the most dependable pipes for quality and general good smoking. Folks who've gone for higher end estate pipes and artisan commissions tend to look past Sav's, but most Forums members rely on them. I just won a beautiful Savenelli Venere 207, a straight rusticated apple shape. It would be slightly above your $100 limit, but not too much, at smokingpipes.com. Most Savenelli pipes, but not all, are designed to use a 6mm balsa filter, but all can be easily modified with an adapter to be non-filtered, so that is easily overcome if you don't want the filter. The adaptors come with most pipes or can be bought, six for five dollars (I think it is) from smokingpipes.com. The Sav you've selected is great, and would serve you well for decades to come.



Jan 23, 2015
I bought my first Savinelli about 18 months ago and it's a Savinelli One rusticated Zulu. It is a dependable, good looking and good smoking pipe. I've bought a few more Savs since that one that I paid a bit more for and this one is still one of my favourites. If you like the pipe I would say buy it with confidence. :puffy:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 9, 2015
I have seen no complaints posted anywhere on any Savanelli pipes, they do seem to be a great make, and I would likely consider that one or something similar by that make if I were currently in aquisition mode. I tend to prefer that sandblasted ("rustic") style of finish, love the look and feel of mine which have that in my hands, plus the texture seems to help radiate away the heat. If you like the looks of that pipe, then it's probably a good one.



Feb 21, 2013
napulitano, if you're still into pipe buying to build your rotation, take a look at P&C brown brushed Stanwell's for $39.99. Great price on a good pipes. There seem to be mostly billiards, but they have some nice ones.

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