What do you know about Hungarian pipes?

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Apr 30, 2017
I'm not sure of how to get the image on to here. The piece has the Hapsberg Austro-Hungarian Empire coat of Arms as a decoration on the ceramic bowl.
Let's see if this works?
O.K., so it doesn't work for me.
I clicked URL here and went to my HOST and brought up the image and COPIED URL. Came hack to here and PASTED on the bar. What I seem to have created, is a nice Hungarian Goulash and not an inserted image.
Transferring to MY ALBUM was a simple matter of going to my computer's "picture File".



Feb 13, 2015
Couldn't get the image to open up. When you mention ceramic, I immediately think of a Tyrolean-style pipe. Ordinarily, "Hungarian" makes me think of the Oom Paul shape.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 21, 2015



Apr 30, 2017
Far from being an Oom Paul. About 24" from being an Oom Paul. It's a Carpathian "warden style" with a ceramic cover.
On each side of the bowl's central Hungarian(?)C of A, are the national tree plant badges for the Czech and Slovakia regions, i.e. the Linden. Which is also the emblem of the Carpathian Mountains. On the opposite of the CofA, is the oak, used to ID the Tatra/Tatry Mountains,
This is the land between Poland and Slovakia. Often referred to as Ruthenia, the land of the Goral mountaineers. Confusing area for history.
I believe this is 19th c., pre WW I, after which the Hapsberg Empire collapsed and Czechoslovakia was created. Southern Poland was part of the Empire. Religion separated them from surrounding peoples. They are/were Byzantine Rite, Uniate Greek Catholics, surrounded by Roman Rite.
Give me some help here. I've already done what I do on other forums.
Also, my avatar didn't print here.



Apr 30, 2017
Yo! Snow Owl. How did you do that? If I can "edit" my original post, I can clean it up to arrive at what you have, which works but there isn't any click to edit.



Apr 30, 2017
My profile accepted my avatar but it doesn't show up. However, it IS on my profile page.

I have started a blog but it says I have not.

I have made comments but it says I have not.

My signature is missing and I have a signature.

When I click my profile at "Home", I get an article with some oriental.

Is my computer or this site possessed?

There is no honcho to address these issues to. So, like a voice in the wilderness, I have to post it here. This isn't right.

It's past my bed time. G-nite. I am loosing interest.



Apr 30, 2017
Sorry to say, "I haven't been given any constructive answers and the issues are status quo but it is of little consequence".
I have dated my pipe to 1896, made in Hungary for basically, the Lemko, Carpatho-Rusyn region between Poland and Slovakia, IMHO as a professional research Investigator and author, I am happy with that. A 19th c. pipe, still regularly puffing away.
That said, It is Sunday brunch time and I am about to imbibe in a plate of my homemade bangers and a long draw on my warden.
Have a nice day! Check-out my album if you can.



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
To post an image from your album on the PM site here you need to copy the "image location" then click on the "IMG" button in the menu above, paste the image location into the pop up box that appears, and then click OK. Your image will appear when you post.
If you use an image hosting site like imgur you can select the image you want to show already formatted with the BBcode so that all you need to do is paste it in the reply box.



Apr 30, 2017
Thank you for taking the time to communicate.
From that, I can assume that entry cannot be simply made from the outside, into my album from my profile page. I would have to back & forth, image after image, to share? You just cannot go in for a look-see?
I may try show & tell sometime. Maybe after the other issues are resolved, e.g. My missing avatar. Until then, I will be satisfied to read what others have written on these pages. I find It interesting.



Feb 21, 2013
I think the Oom Paul shaped pipes owners latched onto the Hungarian shape name because of the unpleasant association with Oom Paul (Uncle Paul) who was a figure in the apartheid regime in South Africa. I don't think it is meant to usurp the whole pipe culture and various shapes from Hungary. Much pipe nomenclature tends to be improvisational, which isn't all bad. I tend to think of my once Oom Paul shape pipe (Savenelli Hercules) as a Hungarian, and I try not to think of Joseph Stalin every time I smoke Royal Yacht.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
Here's what you need to fix your avatar. You can have two here, one for the website and one for the forums, you don't have your forum one setup.




The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
From that, I can assume that entry cannot be simply made from the outside, into my album from my profile page.
To use your album on the PM site, you need to upload the image to the PM site. One you have done that, you click on the thumbnail to open the image's page. Then, depending on whether you have a PC or a Mac, you do the following:
PC: Place your mouse over the image and right click to get the pop up menu, scroll down to "copy image location" and select that. Then go to the reply window, click on IMG, paste the image location, and click OK. Your image's location will appear in the Reply window, framed by IMG and /IMG in brackets. When you hit send, the image will appear in your reply.
Mac: Place your mouse over the image, hold down the "control" key and click to get the pop up menu, scroll down to "copy image location" and select that. Then go to the reply window, click on IMG, paste the image location, and click OK. Your image's location will appear in the Reply window, framed by IMG and /IMG in brackets. When you hit send, the image will appear in your reply.
You can also import the image from a third party image hosting site, like imgur. With imgur it's really simple. Once you have uploaded your image to imgur, you click on that image to open its page, and there's a row of posting formats on the right side of the page. Select BBCode to copy the image with the formatting already added and simply paste into the Reply window. The IMG, /IMG tags in brackets will have already been added, so there's no need to use the menu at the top of the Reply window.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
What Jesse writes is right on. However, for all sites, all images (with a handful of exceptions where you can't get the image no matter what), the Control click for Mac or right click on Windows on the image will always bring up an URL to snag the image's address. For many people it's easier to use one system that will work across all sites, and not have to remember what line in what site is the correct one. Advanced users will know which line to copy if they want to pick up a supplied URL at their favorite site. (Imgur can have up to 7 choices, confusing for those who aren't well versed in image placement)



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
This back in the day when Jesse hadn't posted much.....

Is not Country Squire also the name of a station wagon of yore?

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