wet smokes

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 7, 2011
I have mostly estate pipes. And for one reason or another most of them smokes kinda wet. Including my cobs with my longer forever stem. Which is fine I just use a pipe cleaner. But as far as resting these wet smokers I have thus far been of the thought that air drying is the way to go. But I know many people leave a pipe cleaner in their pipes to absorb excess moisture. My question is... pipe cleaner resting or air dry? What do you think works best and drys quickest for next smoke?

Thank u



Jan 8, 2011
From previous threads a lot of the answers you will get will relate to pipe rotation. I feel that a pipe cleaner will get out built up moisture quickly, but a good rest is the best solution. This is the main reason for having a nice rotation of pipes to allow enough time between smokes. I am also a very wet smoker as a puff like a train engine and I rotate through every pipe I have before picking up the same pipe again. As I have a very modest collection, that doesn't take long but with only smoking 3-4 bowls a week, it gives me a couple of weeks.
Since taking this approach and adding a few cobs to the rotation I have noticed a nicer fuller taste.



Jul 30, 2010
Norman, Oklahoma
Well I will answer your question first. I personally like to leave the pipe cleaner in the pipe for a few hours but then I take it out and air dry the pipe.
The second thing I am going to do is address the possible problem. You might be smoking too quickly! Try slowing down and getting a rhythm down.



Can't Leave
Apr 9, 2011
Cheviot Ohio
Well, since I smoke mostly cobs, I take them apart right after smoking, while still warm, and clean them completely with pipe cleaners moistened with Clean & Cure. In fact I do this with my two briars also, one which has a push stem, and the other a Kaywoodie. But since they're all "wet" smokers, my guess would be that you smoke too fast. The slower the better, drier, and cooler.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
I take them apart right after smoking, while still warm, and clean them completely with pipe cleaners moistened with Clean & Cure. In fact I do this with my two briars also, one which has a push stem, and the other a Kaywoodie.
Tltjlp I must caution you about this practice with your briar pipes. If you disassemble your briar pipes while they are warm, the stem will become loose and will require some simple but annoying practices. e.g. using bees wax to tighten the stem or warming the stem and pressing the end down on a hard surface to compress and increase the size of the mortice to make it fit snugly once again. It could also cause the tenon to crack and split.
Here is a link to the parts of the pipe: Pipe Anatomy
Edit: Arthur is correct about running a cleaner through your pipe after you smoke it.

A comprehensive cleaning should be performed only occasionally, and then only when the quality of the smoke begins to diminish. In my opinion.

And with deference to "Fred" I am referring to briar pipes, not meerschaums.



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
I run a pipe cleaner through the pipe immediately after smoking. Then

I put a fresh pipe cleaner in the pipe for only a few hours, and they

usually come out slightly soiled too. If you leave the pipe cleaner in

for an extended period of time you'll actually be trapping moisture in

the shank.
I like Russ Ouellette's rule of thumb: rest your pipe for as many days

as the number of bowls you've smoked with that pipe. I've found that

there's no need to limit your pipe to just one bowl per day; but four

bowls seem to be my personal limit.



Feb 20, 2010
Since we're sharing:)
I always thoroughly empty out any loose tobacco from the bowl with my pipe tool, run a cleaner through the pipe thoroughly (two cleaners if it comes out too dirty), and then loop the cleaner over to clean out the inside of the bowl. I then leave it to dry and follow the "1 smoke/1 day" rule until I smoke it again.
I also make a point of cleaning the stem with a paper towel, and then usually use said paper to clean the rim of the bowl.
I have this whole routine down to a minute or so, and I VERY rarely have pipes that need any extra cleaning. I have quite a few pipes that have had years of regular smoking and have no seeming need for salt/alcohol treatment or a more involved cleaning. I find that a regular regimen of quick cleaning every time I smoke means it is unnecessary.
Same with vulcanite stems, where a good wipe seems to discourage oxidation. If the stem gets too goopy, I remove it and run it under water and dry thoroughly. An ounce of prevention and all that. . .
I know others prefer different methods, and it's great that works for them, but this has served me well.
'Wet' smoking for me has happened with one or two pipes that seem prone to it, but usually in my case smoking SLOWLY and calmly avoids this. This may not be the case for you, but perhaps try sipping the smoke a bit more, as I find this almost always avoids gurgling or wetness in the pipe. It also makes for a better, more tasty smoke IMHO.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 20, 2011
I always thoroughly empty out any loose tobacco from the bowl with my pipe tool, run a cleaner through the pipe thoroughly (two cleaners if it comes out too dirty), and then loop the cleaner over to clean out the inside of the bowl. I then leave it to dry and follow the "1 smoke/1 day" rule until I smoke it again.
I also make a point of cleaning the stem with a paper towel, and then usually use said paper to clean the rim of the bowl.



Can't Leave
Apr 9, 2011
Cheviot Ohio
Lawrence, I understand your caution, and heed it with most briars I have. But the two I have now are have a push in stem which really can't be harmed, because I don't reassemble the pape until it's cooled. The Kaywoodie has a metal fittinf into which a metal stinger screws. We all have to care for our pipes in a way that is right for us, and I've always felt that clean pipes smoke and taste better. In 50 years of smoking all sorts of pipes I've never damaged one yet, luckily.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 7, 2011
Thank you much for your post..I'll be interested to try leaving it in for a while and then removing it. (The pipe cleaner).

I'm sure your right that I smoke to fast. I will try to work on that. :oops:

Thank you



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 25, 2011
Canterbury, England
I tend to go against the grain, and use the same pipe several times a day, for a week or so at a time. I mostly leave it to air dry in a soft leather pouch I have to cary such things in, having disasembled the pipe. I usualy just leave it to cool down, and then end up filling it again. Bad pipe pratice, but so far no bad effects. Not a massive problem if you have far less expensive pipes. The leather helps absorb excess moisture, and if you remember to smoke slowly the pipe shouldn't be too hot and there shouldn't be that much moisture. The smoke will last longer too.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 7, 2011
Yeah Capnbellamy I do the same thing. I tend to smoke a lot so it seems natural to just refill the pipe that i'm already enjoying. And I have my favorites. Guess I just need to find more favorites. : )



Jun 2, 2010
When I finish a bowl, I push the ashes to the side with a pipe tool, then push a cleaner down the stem and shank until I can see it just start to poke into the bowl. Then I cover and shake till the bowl is coated with a fine layer of ash. Then I dump the ashes and push the cleaner into the bowl to clean the air way of any excess ash and then back and fourth to clean the shank. Then pull out the cleaner and it's off to rest till the next smoke.

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