Last week in VT it snowed, today it hit 90, next Tuesday the high will 66. They have a saying here in VT, if you don't like the weather, just wait a minute, but this is getting ridiculous.
Three weeks ago we had weather in the 80's - then it started raining and the temp dropped to the 45-59 degree range with rain. This morning the furnace was on, and by 2:00 the windows were open and it was in the high 60's.
We went east of the mountains for our camping trip. In one day we went from the high 70's with beautiful sunshine to the mid 40's, wind and rain. It stayed that way for the 3 days we were in Ellensburg. That's why there are no camping pictures.
At least there was no snow, but Crystal Mountain still has skiing.
I won't bitch about the moss I had to wash off my car - I've been in the tail end of a tornado. Scary doesn't describe it. My thoughts and prayers to all those affected.
Official count this morning was 10 dead for last night, could have changed since this morning though. Thankfully my family and my house were unharmed. One tornado missed us by 20 miles and another by 15.