That is strange to me. I dream the most during short naps . Or atleast I remember those ones . I've never had dreams about my tobacco or pipes. I usually have the same style dreams where In some way or form I get paralyzed. Like dreams where I'm almost falling asleep while walking, or running and either can't move, or speak. Very strange.
Feeling powerless or being chased is a common theme in dreams.
Years ago I passed on a secret to my then 6yo son who like most kids, often had nightmares.
Before falling asleep, I had him repeat three times "When I'm dreaming, I'm in charge".
I advised that it might take some time for that to sink into his subconscious but it would work sooner or later.
Several months later he excitedly told me how he had been chased by a 'bad guy' in his dream when he suddenly had the thought "Why am I running? I'm in charge here!". He turned to face his adversary where he grew and towered over the 'bad guy' who then fled.
This encouraged my boy to repeat his before sleep mantra and said from then on he enjoyed his 'scary dreams' because he no longer feared the 'bad guys'.
Ever since I started self medicating with a pipe of cannabis before bed for chronic nerve pain, [best sleep aid ever] I rarely remember my dreams. When I awake I often have a vague memory of a dream but the details quickly dissipate.