Made me think of that pipe Lee Van Cleef was smoking, looked like a Peterson System, anyhow I made this .gif years ago and thought you might get a kick out of it, cheers.
It's one of my favourite movies and I notice the pipe every time. It sure looks like a Pete system, but if it is, its a big blooper in the movie.
The movie takes place during the civil war, which ended in 1865. The Peterson system pipe didn't show up till 1891.
Methinks the prop guy for the film was not a pipe smoker
Riveting and refined art form. There's always the chance that real life shooters see these and later believe that anyone they shoot is a bad person, but I guess that's true of Greek tragedies and Shakespeare as well. Many of the flicks that Clint later directs deal a lot more with conscience and gray areas, but that may be a coincidence. "Letter from Iwo Jima" for example.