The more folks I talk to about this year's show, the more I realize how few people knew I was even there! This could be due mostly to the fact that out of all the pipe shows I've attended over the years, this was the first show that I've been to that I didn't bring any pipes to show or sell, and I did not man a table.
Well, I was in deed there, enjoying the show as a spectator. It was great to experience the show from the other side of the tables! As always, I had planned to take a ton of photos of the show and wares, and as always, I was so excited about just seeing everything that most of the time I forgot to take out my phone and snap some pics!
That said, I did capture a few photos. Here's some highlights of my weekend:
Hello Chicago! I'm glad I'm here too!
After an, um, exciting car ride from Midway with Jeremiah Sandahl, we arrived at the resort late Thursday night, in time to enjoy some fellowship with some late nighters in the smoking tent!
And I got to help myself to a bowlful of some seriously old Capstan!
Jeremiah got some sound advice at the Friday morning pre-show...
The tulips growing on the resort grounds are a sight to behold! (And no... No filter!)
The "Father the Flame" folks were there, capturing even more footage!
I was a little skeptical about the fit of the t-shirt that Tom gifted me, but it turns out that a Danish XL runs smaller than an American XL. The shirt fits great! :D
I was invited to a Saturday night dinner by the folks at at the Harvest restaurant on the resort grounds. Our group filled three tables. The food was amazing, especially the duck quesadillas, and the conversation was lively!
Back at the room, I got to make a cameo appearance on their Instagram...
and Per Jensen let us sample his new MacBaren Virginia test blend #3! It was divine! I can't wait for this one to hit the shelves!
This twelve piece set from Manduela was quite inspiring, very beautiful shapes, technically perfect despite their diminutive size!
Sunday came and I had to head out early in the day, but not before getting in a "Suede-Blast Sunday" smoke with Jeremiah!
Exhausted, it was time to fly back home, but boy were my arms tired... so I took a plane :nana:
No, not really that plane... This plane!
into Tampa Bay...
The trip wasn't all fun a games for me though. It was a pretty expensive supply run! I picked up some very nice sticks of bamboo from both Vermont Freehand and Tom Eltang, I got some NYH Cumberland and ebonite as I have started to move away from using ivory stems all of the time, and I picked up some nice pieces of briar from Vermont Freehand and Makis Minetos!
And if all that wasn't enough fun, I was given this little puzzle created by Dick Edwards... Enjoy!
Well, I was in deed there, enjoying the show as a spectator. It was great to experience the show from the other side of the tables! As always, I had planned to take a ton of photos of the show and wares, and as always, I was so excited about just seeing everything that most of the time I forgot to take out my phone and snap some pics!
That said, I did capture a few photos. Here's some highlights of my weekend:
Hello Chicago! I'm glad I'm here too!

After an, um, exciting car ride from Midway with Jeremiah Sandahl, we arrived at the resort late Thursday night, in time to enjoy some fellowship with some late nighters in the smoking tent!

And I got to help myself to a bowlful of some seriously old Capstan!

Jeremiah got some sound advice at the Friday morning pre-show...

The tulips growing on the resort grounds are a sight to behold! (And no... No filter!)

The "Father the Flame" folks were there, capturing even more footage!

I was a little skeptical about the fit of the t-shirt that Tom gifted me, but it turns out that a Danish XL runs smaller than an American XL. The shirt fits great! :D

I was invited to a Saturday night dinner by the folks at at the Harvest restaurant on the resort grounds. Our group filled three tables. The food was amazing, especially the duck quesadillas, and the conversation was lively!

Back at the room, I got to make a cameo appearance on their Instagram...

and Per Jensen let us sample his new MacBaren Virginia test blend #3! It was divine! I can't wait for this one to hit the shelves!

This twelve piece set from Manduela was quite inspiring, very beautiful shapes, technically perfect despite their diminutive size!

Sunday came and I had to head out early in the day, but not before getting in a "Suede-Blast Sunday" smoke with Jeremiah!

Exhausted, it was time to fly back home, but boy were my arms tired... so I took a plane :nana:

No, not really that plane... This plane!

into Tampa Bay...

The trip wasn't all fun a games for me though. It was a pretty expensive supply run! I picked up some very nice sticks of bamboo from both Vermont Freehand and Tom Eltang, I got some NYH Cumberland and ebonite as I have started to move away from using ivory stems all of the time, and I picked up some nice pieces of briar from Vermont Freehand and Makis Minetos!

And if all that wasn't enough fun, I was given this little puzzle created by Dick Edwards... Enjoy!