I’ve experimented with a number of concoctions but they all work. For those who don’t smoke cigars I’ve found this one to be very useful.
A mixture of Elmer’s multi purpose glue, Briar dust and Charcoal dust mixed into a black paste. Apparently, Elmer’s glue is an organic material and when mixed with both briar and charcoal holds up to the temperature and general abuse well. The Briar dust was left over from the rim removal and the charcoal dust came from a health food store. The mixture is easy to adjust for texture and also easy to apply.
A mixture of Elmer’s multi purpose glue, Briar dust and Charcoal dust mixed into a black paste. Apparently, Elmer’s glue is an organic material and when mixed with both briar and charcoal holds up to the temperature and general abuse well. The Briar dust was left over from the rim removal and the charcoal dust came from a health food store. The mixture is easy to adjust for texture and also easy to apply.