Why would I do that? The mischaracterization of Sutliff is about as false as the characterization of C&D. This has nothing to do with your getting hurt.
Also, I'm hardly the only one who has made that characterization about C&D.
As for being known merely as goopers, yeah that was the perception because their Sutliff branded tins were mainly goopers, and the people who were characterizing the entire company by those goopers were ignorant. They were completely ignorant about the wide range of Sutliff's activities. We've moved past that ignorance.
It's kind of weird to me that some take it as their personal responsibility to defend this dead company.
Look, the company is dead, and every little criticism of Sutliff over the years has triggered the same three people who ride to their defence. I get it, you really like this company. The tins are/were the company's main product. But, almost everythng they made had their signature casing in it. Sure, most smokers probably never noticed it. But, I didn't like it, and everytime I or one of hundreds of other posters said so on here, they get called ignorant.
They are dead now, so let it rest. Some people hated McClellands, and you bring that up everytime it gets mentioned.
You are obviously going through some grief. These are all just businesses. I could care less what people say about C&D. Mischaracterize them all you want. I never step up and try to explain away why they have 1 million blends that taste the same. Some people hate C&D, and I pretty much let them.
But, if someone would like some help selecting a blend from them, if it is in an area that I can help, I will. But, I am not about to go around trying to talk people into liking them. That is just weird to me.
I think
the problem comes when people don't read the words; almost, most, and all of the other words that make my statements less heavy handed than you are accusing me of.