Unburnt Tobacco Left at the End

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Jun 2, 2018

First of all I'm really happy that I'm joining the forum.

When I pack a bowl and start to smoke it, it burns well but after half of a bowl it starting to turn of repeatedly and it tastes different.

So I stop smoking and clean my pipe.

Is my packing isn't right? Or it happens due to my tamping during smoking? or something else

Btw I'm smoking Erinmore Mixture




Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 7, 2018
Make sure your consistently tamping down your bowl gently as you smoke , this will keep your ember insulated, and there for allow it to burn evenly all the way thru. Also make sure to give your tobacco some drying time before you load and smoke. Moist tobacco will stay moist and there for not allow the bottom of the bowl to burn correctly. That being said , some dottle at the end is normal.

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May 9, 2018
Raleigh, NC
First of all, welcome to the forums! Having been through this myself quite a bit, I will say that their are several likely factors:
1) Your tobacco is too moist. You should probably let it dry out a while prior to packing. That may just be guess and test to find out what that optimum dry time might be for that particular tobacco.
2) You could be smoking too fast. If you smoke too fast, you end up creating an ember that's too hot, which then creates moisture beneath the ember, that settles into the bottom of your bowl.
3) You could be a wet smoker, where some excess saliva travels down the stem from your mouth as you smoke, which will make the tobacco wet at the bottom.
4) Excess moisture within the stem could also travel down the stem and into the bowl, making the tobacco wet.
If you notice what's called a "gurgling" sound as you smoke, one or all of these could be to blame. Then again, it may never get quite wet enough to gurgle, yet still be too wet to burn properly. Firstly, I would dry that tobacco more if you do already. Next, watch your cadence and don't smoke too fast. You want to "sip" your smoke, not smoke like a dragon. If your pipe will pass a cleaner during your smoke sesh, run one down the stem to gather up the excess moisture.
Bottom line is, "dottle" happens. It's always going to happen, especially with an aro. Just take it slow, enjoy yourself, and don't sweat the dottle. Lots of guys here have dottle all the time. That last third bowl is sometimes just a filter, or so I've learned. Could always try other methods of packing as well until you find what works best for you. Happy smoking!

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 26, 2018
Welcome! The same thing happens to me even though I've tried 1) drying my tobacco more, 2) smoking at a slower pace, and 3) I'm not a wet smoker but still pass a pipe cleaner every 5 puffs or so to absorb any excess moisture in the stem. I also have to relight on average about ten times per bowl.



Mar 13, 2018
SC Piedmont
Welcome, borzoo! :) It's all individual, but the advice the guys above gave is as good as any to start. Use the pipe cleaner thing if you need it; usually only necessary if the tobacco is damp or something else contributes to moisture in the stem/bowl. Follow smitty & ccw's advice & you should notice a quick improvement! :)



Jun 26, 2016
Near Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Welcome to the forum. Smitty and carolina have given you some great advice, and it's a great place to start. Drying your tobacco, and adjusting your cadence (how you sip from your pipe and how often) will greatly affect your experience and enjoyment.



Jun 11, 2017
Welcome @borzoo. I posted some thoughts on this topic here http://pipesmagazine.com/forums/topic/packing-too-light-or-too-tight. Easier to link it than retype. Remember, you are smoking a pipe and that is the important thing, the packing and technique come with practice, again a good thing. Keep it up my friend.

Jun 4, 2018
Welcome to the forums.

Another possibility that is rare, but still out there is that you have a fine palate. As you smoke a pipe, the smoke passes through the tobacco below it, sometimes intensifying certain flavors or bringing out ones you didn't notice before. I have had this happen when smoking my taller pipes. If flavors are getting stronger or you notice different flavors, this could be the case. If you are noticing muted flavors or harshness, the the advice about moisture given above will probably be the case.



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Start by drying your tobacco. Drier than you think it should be. Most of the blends that I smoke give their most intense flavor when I've let the tobacco dry to just shy of bone dry. Dry to the touch when lightly squeezed, no sensation of moisture rising in the tobacco when squeezed, but still pliant. Pack it light or medium light, so that it has some spring when tamped down and the draw is still open. Then try smoking it. Take your time. If the bowl goes out, relight. Stunt pipe smoking is not a worthwhile goal. A few relights are not uncommon, and some tobaccos require more relights than others. Forget about smoking those last few strands. The amount of heat generated in the chamber when trying to smoke every tiny bit, is eventually going to damage your pipe. Keep experimenting with packs and levels of dryness, cadence, etc, until you find a combination that works for you. I've been smoking a pipe off and on for nearly 48 years, and I'm still testing things out.



Mar 13, 2018
SC Piedmont
Agreed, Jesse. Even I, as much as I like aromatics, feel most of them are way too wet. And God help me if if start in on propylene glycol. -sigh-

May 9, 2018
Raleigh, NC
And then you have some that never seem to dry out. I firmly believe you could take a pouch of CB to hell to let it dry and it will still be moist. It'd probably just sit there, staring at you and just...steam. :rofl:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 26, 2018
I know it's a matter of trial and error and there's a learning curve which is why I still keep at it. When I finish smoking there's normally about a quarter of the tobacco still left in the bowl, I don't want to smoke ashes or damage the inside of the bowl so tend to stop there. I've even tried microwaving for 20 seconds and the tobacco was crispy, but still required a dozen or more relights. I puff quite slowly because otherwise the ember gets too hot and I get tongue bite and this is perhaps why I require so many relights, hopefully with practice this will improve :)



Dec 29, 2016
firmly believe you could take a pouch of CB to hell to let it dry and it will still be moist.
You'v never smoked Molto Dolce, have you? Makes CB seem dry as a bone :)


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
I tried Molto Dolce a while back. Left the tin open for a few weeks and it never dried. Still like it though.



Dec 29, 2016
Molto Dolce is an absolute diabetic nightmare. Ive had some in a jar for over a year now, and it started as a 50g tin. I smoke it maybe once every few months.
Having said all that, it burns nicely and completely, but proceed with caution, the slightest bit of smoking it too quickly will bite you like a crocodile that has not had a meal in a year. The room note however, is absolutely fantastic. The whole place smells like a decadent pastry bakery.

May 9, 2018
Raleigh, NC
So what I'm hearing here, is that it's best used as placing in a bowl on the table and burning it like incense? :rofl:
Sounds like you'd need a pipe specifically dedicated to burning what sounds like an almost goopy mess. I'd still try it though, just to see what it's like. Couldn't imagine what the bottom of a bowlful of that might be like near the end.



Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion
Welcome to the forum!
I have essentially the same problems myself. I was commenting on some other thread that I have never been able to smoke a bowl all the way down to the bottom (which is an issue if I want cake to build up).
RE: Carolinachurchwarden's point #3: I've noticed that clenching stimulates salivation, which then causes this. I'm not a clencher, and I don't get gurgling.

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