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Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 26, 2024
London UK
Apparently, according to the Met Office, May was the warmest since records began. Most of us, with our jumpers and central heating on, would dispute this - this Spring has been cold, wet and dismal.

But no, says The Telegraph. It happened at night, so we didn't notice.

Welcome to comedy central.


Sep 21, 2020
North Carolina
Same here in North Carolina. They claim that it is the warmest spring on record. They might get that past someone with 20 years on this rock but not anyone with a couple of brain cells and the ability to research their so called findings and compare them to historical data. It's been abnormally cold not just this spring but at least 5 years running. I garden and I see the effects of this cooler weather pattern on my vegetables. Stunted growth, blooms that produce no fruit, planting later to avoid late frost, the list goes on. All this from a group of people telling me the earth will boil in 12 years or the ice caps will be gone but they can't forecast rain 20 minutes out.
Here's another one for you. My wife is fair skinned. In the past she would get sun burned within 30 minutes of being outside this time of year. Now she sits out on the back porch for a couple of hours and doesn't even turn pink. Yesterday was the first day the sun had enough punch to get me red. I'm thinking we're dealing with volcanic pollutants in the atmosphere from recent activities on this one but I'm just guessing.


Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 26, 2024
London UK
Today, London, forecast temperature 15°C/59°F. In the second week of June. It reminds me of the 1960s and '70s - those were cold decades, in the main, and older people blamed "The Bomb", because it had been fine until everyone started setting those things off.
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Dec 3, 2021
Bagshot Row, Hobbiton
Here in the Northeast, USA (CT) we have had relatively mild winters for the past two years meaning only 1 or 2 snow storms which melted fairly quickly (couple days). However, the temperatures were below average so much colder. The weather is not actually controlled by man but apparently has everything to do with solar flares from the sun. A scientist at one of the Universities figured out that the entire universe is 2 degrees fahrenheit warmer and therefore everything in the universe is correspondingly 2 degrees warmer. Add to that the fact that every thousand years the poles actually shift from north to south and vice versa causing wild weather shifts for about 150 years on either side of the 1000 yr mark. (This has been documented throughout history in various cultures.) The poles shifted so much the last couple of years that the airport and airplane computers had to be adjusted awhile back to correct for a 6 degree change in due North.

All of that roughly translates to predicting the weather is still guesswork. If you want to know what it is look out the window. I tend to use the National Weather Service directly as in another form it is what the Airforce and Navy use and most weather people reference. It has been fairly accurate to within 1/4 to 1/2 an hour.

There is however a scientist in England (Oxford?) who puts out a report forecasting the weather based upon the solar flare activity of the sun. I have heard his report costs upwards of $1500 per quarter and is heavily relied upon by large farm conglomerates in the US for planting and harvesting.

Also the polar caps supposedly have more ice now than in the last 30 years.

Just 2 cents adjusted for inflation. ;):ROFLMAO:


Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 26, 2024
London UK
Here in the Northeast, USA (CT) we have had relatively mild winters for the past two years meaning only 1 or 2 snow storms which melted fairly quickly (couple days). However, the temperatures were below average so much colder. The weather is not actually controlled by man but apparently has everything to do with solar flares from the sun. A scientist at one of the Universities figured out that the entire universe is 2 degrees fahrenheit warmer and therefore everything in the universe is correspondingly 2 degrees warmer. Add to that the fact that every thousand years the poles actually shift from north to south and vice versa causing wild weather shifts for about 150 years on either side of the 1000 yr mark. (This has been documented throughout history in various cultures.) The poles shifted so much the last couple of years that the airport and airplane computers had to be adjusted awhile back to correct for a 6 degree change in due North.

All of that roughly translates to predicting the weather is still guesswork. If you want to know what it is look out the window. I tend to use the National Weather Service directly as in another form it is what the Airforce and Navy use and most weather people reference. It has been fairly accurate to within 1/4 to 1/2 an hour.

There is however a scientist in England (Oxford?) who puts out a report forecasting the weather based upon the solar flare activity of the sun. I have heard his report costs upwards of $1500 per quarter and is heavily relied upon by large farm conglomerates in the US for planting and harvesting.

Also the polar caps supposedly have more ice now than in the last 30 years.

Just 2 cents adjusted for inflation. ;):ROFLMAO:
The man doing farmers' forecasts is Piers Corbyn (Weather Action?) - they use some secret sauce involving both Sun and Moon. A few years ago, I was motivated to buy a 3 month forecast - until I saw the price, which demotivated me instantly.

Magnetic poles are shifting, magnetosphere is about 30% weaker than 50 years ago. Beats CO2 for climate change by a country mile, but they can't gaslight and tax us for it.


Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
Well here in Cornwall (south west UK) it is supposed to be the warmest county and normally in summer it is just that but just taking these few days in June, in the evenings my toes have felt like blocks of ice and I still have to switch my electric blanket on 1 hour before bed!

Apparently we're currently getting our weather from the arctic when we should be getting it from the gulf stream out west.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 20, 2022
West Wales
The sun and sunspots affect the Jetstream causing it to go wibbly wobbly, bringing either heat or arctic blasts. Of course the heat is labelled man made global warming.
But its all caused by the sun.
And diesel engines, cows farting, and coal fired power stations have no affect on the sun whatsoever.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 22, 2024
For years I have no longer followed the weather forecasts, I find them irritating, they too are now linked to the audience and have been transformed into advertising containers, so the tones are always necessarily catastrophic: "hot alert!", "cold alert!" , "frost alarm!", "fog alarm!". To listen to them, there is only African heat or polar frost, hurricanes or drought. Everything in between does not create an audience and therefore does not exist.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 20, 2024
Here in the Midwest, it was in the 60’s and 70’s about 2 weeks ago, but we are having 80’s and 90’ this week. We have a saying here in Indiana. Don’t like the weather? Wait 5 minutes and it will change.

Servant King

Nov 27, 2020
Frazier Park, CA
OP, you are spot on. They're using computer models, not real-world conditions, hence the discrepancy. (by the way, I initially typed "discrapancy" just now, and my innate grammar perfectionism only narrowly beat out my desire to keep the typo in!)

The mainstream climate narrative can never be in line with reality, because it is all AI-based. That, combined with the use of meteorology (a pseudoscientific concoction that focuses on effects, rather than causes, all while deliberately confounding the two), and you have a recipe for repetitive doctrine that is designed to make people feel like they're going crazy because they're observing the exact opposite of the company line they're being inundated with from every direction!

Based upon the way the AI is "losing it" these days, it looks to me like there's something quite big going on behind the curtain. Computer virus, perhaps? We can only hope... 🤞


Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
I just read one in five Americans are under extreme heat alerts, that figure is really quite scary.

As for here in Cornwall it's been a pretty miserable first half of the year, cold, rain and wind.....with a smattering of sunshine.

Jan 30, 2020
New Jersey
It is unfortunate regional changes in climate became a political and economic tool. Assuming trends do whatever they do, just from a growing perspective, regions may need to consider growing different things as a zone either gets warmer or cooler than it has historically been during its seasons.


Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 20, 2022
West Wales
The inside of my house today is 15.5 degrees. That is colder than it normally is in the winter.
But there is no way I'm heating in the house in the summer.
I'm cold. COLD.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 24, 2024
New Mexico
I am 60 years old. Old enough to remember when we were all going to freeze to death. My hippie chick kindergarten teacher told us that the world was heading into an ice age and the continents would soon be covered by glaciers. She also told us the whales were going extinct and if the whales became extinct, we were all going to die. When I was a bit older my mom stopped buying my favorite spray-on under arm deodorant and started buying that nasty roll-on crap. She was doing her part to protect the ozone layer so that we all didn't die. Well, that wasn't keeping people sufficiently shook up, so when I was in high school all the teachers talked about was acid rain. Remember acid rain? Then the global warming crowd started telling us the oceans would be boiling in no time if we didn't cut our carbon emissions. Then they flew back to one of their multiple, energy sucking mansions on private jets.


Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 26, 2024
London UK
I am 60 years old. Old enough to remember when we were all going to freeze to death. My hippie chick kindergarten teacher told us that the world was heading into an ice age and the continents would soon be covered by glaciers. She also told us the whales were going extinct and if the whales became extinct, we were all going to die. When I was a bit older my mom stopped buying my favorite spray-on under arm deodorant and started buying that nasty roll-on crap. She was doing her part to protect the ozone layer so that we all didn't die. Well, that wasn't keeping people sufficiently shook up, so when I was in high school all the teachers talked about was acid rain. Remember acid rain? Then the global warming crowd started telling us the oceans would be boiling in no time if we didn't cut our carbon emissions. Then they flew back to one of their multiple, energy sucking mansions on private jets.
In the pharmacy...

Customer: I'd like a deodorant please.
Assistant: Ball or aerosol?
Customer: No, it's for under my arms actually.
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