Whilst shopping for a reamer and some extra-long pipe cleaners today I got bamboozled into buying some loose "Sliced Aromatic Brown Twist" (Damn you, TAD. *Shakes Fist*). The guy told me it was Sam Gawith but looking online I believe it's Gawith Hoggarth...
Anyway, I've got it set out to dry a bit at the moment, but having never had this stuff before is there anything I need to know?
At first it looked like loose baccy, but on further inspection there are little coins of tobacco in there...should I be rubbing them out or just stuffing it all into my bowl?
Wish me luck.
Anyway, I've got it set out to dry a bit at the moment, but having never had this stuff before is there anything I need to know?
At first it looked like loose baccy, but on further inspection there are little coins of tobacco in there...should I be rubbing them out or just stuffing it all into my bowl?
Wish me luck.