Here's an interesting couple of photos I came across. Taken during the time of the First World War & showing a German tobacconist shop being smashed up & ransacked by a large crowd of cockneys. Schonfelds on Crisp Street, Poplar (East London). Apparently the proprietor & his assistants were flung out into the street & children were seen running out of the shop laden down with boxes of pipes, German cigars & parcels of tobacco!?With such a large crowd, it was all the police could do but watch them get on with it.
You have to remember that apart from the war raging on overseas, the east end (& many other cities) were being subjected to arial bombardment, courtesy of the Kaisers Zeppellins. This obviously resulted in unfortunate repercussions for Germans living in Britain at the time. A sad day for Mr. Schoenfeld but a happy & memorable one for the pipesmokers in the east end! Lol
You have to remember that apart from the war raging on overseas, the east end (& many other cities) were being subjected to arial bombardment, courtesy of the Kaisers Zeppellins. This obviously resulted in unfortunate repercussions for Germans living in Britain at the time. A sad day for Mr. Schoenfeld but a happy & memorable one for the pipesmokers in the east end! Lol