I have seen a number of videos on youtube, and have come to the conclusion that most of them could be at least 75% shorter.
The introduction. Light the pipe. Huge pause.
Then maybe two words. Pause. Tamping. Relight. More puffing. Another two words. Puffing. Etc.
Maybe people like all that but here is how I would do it. (This is a slightly tongue in cheek post so don't take it too seriously)
Here is how my youtube review would go:
Find out what I think of the blend beforehand.
No smoking in the video.
"This is x tobacco. It comes from x company. It contains this and that tobacco and it tastes of x and x. It tastes nice but I think tobacco y is a better option. Thank you goodbye. Don't forget to wash your hands after flushing.
The introduction. Light the pipe. Huge pause.
Then maybe two words. Pause. Tamping. Relight. More puffing. Another two words. Puffing. Etc.
Maybe people like all that but here is how I would do it. (This is a slightly tongue in cheek post so don't take it too seriously)
Here is how my youtube review would go:
Find out what I think of the blend beforehand.
No smoking in the video.
"This is x tobacco. It comes from x company. It contains this and that tobacco and it tastes of x and x. It tastes nice but I think tobacco y is a better option. Thank you goodbye. Don't forget to wash your hands after flushing.