Okay. . .look the quickest way to diffuse this situation is to say my post was absolutely 100% without a doubt misunderstood in every single possible way. Or at the very least, what I said, is neither what I meant, nor what I see when I read it.
I'm a smoker myself, I just finished 8 essays against disproportionate taxations, sin taxes, prohibitions, big government and all manner of these things. I love cigarettes, think people who don't smoke should %#$% off (in regards to telling me I can't), people who don't enjoy smoking shouldn't bother, and my RYO fags should cost less than 30 USD a pound for -premium- blends, and less than 40 for creme-de-la-creme while regular cigs should hover around 20 USD a carton (bulk should always be cheaper, aways has been, always should be) and . .. oh its not really important what I DO believe, what IS important, is I don't believe -anything- my last post seems to have made you lads think I believe.
I really thought you lads knew me better than that, I mean, I'm usually the one feeling put out because people around here dislike cigarettes and I'm trying to argue they're just as good as a cigar if you buy the right ones, smoke them right, and go into it with the right mentality.