I've recently been on an OTC mini-binge, and picked up a tub of PA, same of CH, and one more tub: Granger. They have definitely opened my eyes to a tremendous smoking experience. I will say that of the three (and I think they're all good), Granger has been the tobacco I've enjoyed most. I have no idea what the top-secret "Wellman's Process" is, but I don't care. I get a good burley-nutty taste, and a very sweet smoke, through about three-quarters of a bowl. The end of the bowl settles down into a pretty straight burley taste, at least for me. I've never had it bite, even smoking it "hot". I like the mellow undertone a cob gives it, so I went and ordered a few more from Washington, MO just for OTC's and especially for Granger.
I like it. The price is right, it's an "honest" tobacco, in that it smokes as it claims, and I really like the picture of the pointer on the tub. It's cool you gave it a shot, jeff59. Sometimes, the simple, "old-fashioned" things work just fine.