Hmmm, when I think stregnth, sweet, and decent room note, Petersons Perfect Plug, War Horse Bar (red or green), and Condor comes to mind, but Condor will require knowing a blockade runner from Britain to get it to you. If you are in the US, you could try Daughters Ryan's Picayune, which is sweet in a VaPer sort of way, and the room note is not bad, but don't smoke it and drive, as it will lay you out.
The twist suggestions are not bad. University Flake is another moderate stregnth good one, but I have no idea how your wife will feel about the room note. It's hit or miss.
If by wife friendly, you mean aromatic, you might try Royal Yacht. But, you could try taking an aromatic that you like and beefing it up with some cigar leaf or Five Brothers. Or, jump into the GH&co Lakelands. My wife loves the smell of Dark Flake unscented, but you may even like the scented version. It's not the dead grandma smell, but more of a cosmopolitan, complex aroma. I like it from time to time.
However, your idea of strong, and mine may be different. Strong to me can turn some people's guts inside out. :