Tobacco curiosity:
Since aromatic tobaccos are basically unlimited in their realm of possible aromas and flavors due to the virtually unlimited possibility of toppings that can be applied, the subject matter I am addressing here is in regards to blends that would not be considered topping enhanced aromatics.
My curiosity causes me to wonder....that since all English pipe tobacco blends are made from a handful of various kinds of grown tobaccos, and there seems to be hundreds of brands and names out there on the shelves.......I'm wondering how much these brands and blends within brands overlap in similarity to aroma and flavor. It makes sense to me anyway that since toppings are typically for the most part not a part of English blends that the English blends would be far more limited in flavor and taste than the aromatics.
I'm wondering if a blind taste test were conducted using only the "English" blends, how many connoisseurs of pipe tobacco would be able to tell for certain what they were smoking. Is it possible for a pipe smoker to be so connected to his favorite blend that he could positively say from under his blindfold..."yes, I am definitely smoking Samuel Gawith Navy Flake"? How many blends are there out there that are occupying tins on the shelf that are so close in their characteristics that most would be really hard-pressed to tell the difference? How many different (blend names) are there... even within the same manufacturer... that posses so little enough difference that most pipe smokers would find it difficult to discern between them?
This has been a topic of curiosity for me since even some manufacturers seem to have a dozen different English variants just within one company.
I guess a blind taste test would be fun to try with a panel of a dozen connoisseurs using say only six of the top names in the English blends and even make it more interesting by telling the panel ahead of time the names of the six blends they will be smoking. It would be entertaining and fun to see how many get it right.
Harkpuff :D
Since aromatic tobaccos are basically unlimited in their realm of possible aromas and flavors due to the virtually unlimited possibility of toppings that can be applied, the subject matter I am addressing here is in regards to blends that would not be considered topping enhanced aromatics.
My curiosity causes me to wonder....that since all English pipe tobacco blends are made from a handful of various kinds of grown tobaccos, and there seems to be hundreds of brands and names out there on the shelves.......I'm wondering how much these brands and blends within brands overlap in similarity to aroma and flavor. It makes sense to me anyway that since toppings are typically for the most part not a part of English blends that the English blends would be far more limited in flavor and taste than the aromatics.
I'm wondering if a blind taste test were conducted using only the "English" blends, how many connoisseurs of pipe tobacco would be able to tell for certain what they were smoking. Is it possible for a pipe smoker to be so connected to his favorite blend that he could positively say from under his blindfold..."yes, I am definitely smoking Samuel Gawith Navy Flake"? How many blends are there out there that are occupying tins on the shelf that are so close in their characteristics that most would be really hard-pressed to tell the difference? How many different (blend names) are there... even within the same manufacturer... that posses so little enough difference that most pipe smokers would find it difficult to discern between them?
This has been a topic of curiosity for me since even some manufacturers seem to have a dozen different English variants just within one company.
I guess a blind taste test would be fun to try with a panel of a dozen connoisseurs using say only six of the top names in the English blends and even make it more interesting by telling the panel ahead of time the names of the six blends they will be smoking. It would be entertaining and fun to see how many get it right.
Harkpuff :D