I was at the big mall getting my wife a summer watchband and stopped by my local Tinder Box. Huh? The pipe wall board with the clips was less than half full, and the tins of tobacco were down to less than half usual. I asked the man at the counter if they were scaling back on pipes and pipe tobacco. He waved off the question with assurances that management was about to send in a big order. This was clearly what he'd been told to say. I've been visiting the shop for literally decades; it's where I bought my first pipe that I still have and smoke. I have never seen the stock this low. I should have investigated the cigar humidor more closely, but a quick glance showed the shelves there were still somewhat full. Certainly this relates to the impending regs. As in the card game "Old Maid," no one wants to get stuck with unsellable merchandise, or maybe they are just wanting to run extra spare against uncertainty. Clearly, things have changed. I was kind of moved by the brave bluff of the counter man.