I have been recently exchanging texts with this neurotic guy I know as I have been buying things out of her former b-star sister's storage unit as she is "bleeding cash". Anyways, I sent him a text the other day proposing an idea or offer regarding looking and potentially buying some more items and he only replied back with those thumbs-up emojis on the messages. Then, I hear from him today like we have plans this week asking yada yada and I replied that he never really responded to my message, or whatever and he replied back: "I gave you two thumbs up. Thought that would have read as that's totally possible and let's do it". AM I CRAZY or does two thumbs-up at the most indicate to you that the person read your message and had some slight agreement? Both of us are not so young but, we are not so old either. Perhaps I am unsane and have fallen behind although I don't think of it as backwards but really, more importantly what do you say on this matter?