So a couple of days after getting my order in, I've finally jumped right in and smoked the darn thing... I had a couple of observations and questions.
I enjoyed them! So far, I've only smoked two bowls. The first was Sutliff Medium English, and the second was a C&D Bayou Night. The flavor is completely different from what I was expecting based on my experience with cigars. I have to admit that I haven't much been able to deeply taste much in the way of flavors yet, but I imagine that will come with time and experience. I know from smoking cigars that the initial broad flavors dominate the senses for a while. Nuance and subtlety come later. At least they did for me. So I feel a bit satisfied in that my first couple of tobacco purchases were bulk, and not tinned. In both bowls, I think I noticed the Latakia more than anything, but I could be wrong.
I do have a question. I know that there are a lot of different variables, but how often should I puff or sip on the pipe. With most cigars, my general rule is to space my puffs about a minute apart, but I will probably need to puff or sip more frequently with pipes? How frequently do you all draw?
I enjoyed them! So far, I've only smoked two bowls. The first was Sutliff Medium English, and the second was a C&D Bayou Night. The flavor is completely different from what I was expecting based on my experience with cigars. I have to admit that I haven't much been able to deeply taste much in the way of flavors yet, but I imagine that will come with time and experience. I know from smoking cigars that the initial broad flavors dominate the senses for a while. Nuance and subtlety come later. At least they did for me. So I feel a bit satisfied in that my first couple of tobacco purchases were bulk, and not tinned. In both bowls, I think I noticed the Latakia more than anything, but I could be wrong.
I do have a question. I know that there are a lot of different variables, but how often should I puff or sip on the pipe. With most cigars, my general rule is to space my puffs about a minute apart, but I will probably need to puff or sip more frequently with pipes? How frequently do you all draw?