Here's a meandering from this morning:
I went downstairs to get a soda. My dad is up visiting for the weekend, and his cigarette tray was downstairs near the refrigerator. There lay an 8oz bag of JPS pipe tobacco. Right away, I knew it was a bad idea, seeing as it was being used for cigarettes. I figured, what the heck, and after grabbing my soda, I took the bag of "pipe tobacco" with me. I came upstairs, cleaned my pipe, and packed half a bowl. As I test drew before lighting, a couple of pieces of tobacco got into my mouth. Even STILL, I went on. I lit a match, then the top layer of tobacco, then flicked the match out. The bowl went out. Lit again, got a good light, and the tobacco was so damn dry, that it immediately began to curl. All of it. So, I go downstairs, get more tobacco to pack the bowl nice and tight, and after lighting, I sat there for a minute or two, drawing in, hoping to get a good flavor out of this "pipe tobacco." All I got was disappointment and burn. I may as well been smoking the devil's horns because my mouth still burns.
I went downstairs to get a soda. My dad is up visiting for the weekend, and his cigarette tray was downstairs near the refrigerator. There lay an 8oz bag of JPS pipe tobacco. Right away, I knew it was a bad idea, seeing as it was being used for cigarettes. I figured, what the heck, and after grabbing my soda, I took the bag of "pipe tobacco" with me. I came upstairs, cleaned my pipe, and packed half a bowl. As I test drew before lighting, a couple of pieces of tobacco got into my mouth. Even STILL, I went on. I lit a match, then the top layer of tobacco, then flicked the match out. The bowl went out. Lit again, got a good light, and the tobacco was so damn dry, that it immediately began to curl. All of it. So, I go downstairs, get more tobacco to pack the bowl nice and tight, and after lighting, I sat there for a minute or two, drawing in, hoping to get a good flavor out of this "pipe tobacco." All I got was disappointment and burn. I may as well been smoking the devil's horns because my mouth still burns.