Since revisiting my pipe hobby, I've been smoking mostly aros: 1Q, RLP-6, 7 Seas Regular with some OTCs (Capt. Black etc) given to me by my brother-in-law, but I think I want to try some other non-aros. Really liked Erinmore Flake and Solani's Aged Burley Flake Blend 656, so I have 8oz of Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake arriving this week from smokingpipes.
It will be nice to know I'm smoking a VaPer, and you can't beat $21 with shipping for 8oz. I hope it will be less sweet than the aros I've been doing, and hope it doesn't taste too much like hay. Should arrive Thursday.
It will be nice to know I'm smoking a VaPer, and you can't beat $21 with shipping for 8oz. I hope it will be less sweet than the aros I've been doing, and hope it doesn't taste too much like hay. Should arrive Thursday.