The Tobacco Chooses the Pipe

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 9, 2016
In the 7+ months that I'm a member in here I've read numerous times about how some tobaccos sing in some pipes. I've never had this happen to me -nor the opposite.
Until today. I picked the Country Gentleman for the first time and rubbed two Dunhill DNR coins in it. Charred, tamped, puffed. Puffed. Sipped. Again and again. Nothing. No flavour, no sweetness, nothing.
I will try some HU's Edward G. next time since it is much more flavorful, and see.



May 5, 2014
This is true although I think you have it explained backwards. When I can't taste anything it usually means I'll be coming down with a cold soon, my allergies are bad that day, I just ate some fatty food that coated my taste buds, or I am smoking too much and have palate fatigue.
When someone says the tobacco sings in a certain pipe, it normally is referring to the fact that the tobacco smokes well and tastes good in all pipes, but in the one pipe it sings in, it is absolutely magnificent and a step above how it smokes in the other pipes.



Mar 25, 2014
You may find some blends taste or burn better in one pipe over another, but what click said was absolutely correct. It's not that a tobacco blend tastes bad in one pipe and good in another due to pipe shape, rather a blend's flavor or burn characteristics are slightly enhanced due to the size or shape of the chamber. I personally prefer a VA ribbon cut in a large billiard nd I prefer a Burley flake in a medium size bowl. The reason for which I have discovered is if I put the Burley flake in too large a bowl it tends to get harsh and I'll waste tobacco. On the other hand, I like the way the flavor of a VA forward blend builds as it smokes but if it's in a large bowl I get much more sweetness and for a longer more enjoyable smoke.
Keep in mind these are personal preferences and over time you'll discover your own.
Charred, tamped, puffed. Puffed. Sipped. Again and again. Nothing. No flavour, no sweetness, nothing.
In all likelihood the problem is you, not the pipe or the tobacco.
Ask yourself some of these questions:
What did you eat prior to smoking?

Did you smoke a lot of Latakia recently?

Did you burn out your taste buds on an aromatic?

Are you getting a cold?
These are just some of the factors that may affect taste significantly.



Nov 18, 2013
I picked the Country Gentleman for the first time and rubbed two Dunhill DNR coins in it. Charred, tamped, puffed. Puffed. Sipped. Again and again. Nothing. No flavour, no sweetness, nothing.
Something's not right, because unless it's been ghosted, cobs tend to impact the flavor less than briars, letting the blend's own flavor come through unadulterated. If anything, a cob should impart a little sweetness. So I agree, it's not the pipe.



May 6, 2016
West Texas
As for myself I think a blend has to "FIT" the pipe, Black Frigate or Lat heavy blends for example go with a freehand or a rustic type pipe, not something Id smoke in a gentlemanly Poker, Canadian or the such, the pipe and the blend should match the motif. Does that make sense?



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 13, 2014
Michigan, USA
I've been having a difficult time with my two savnellies lately no matter what tobacco I choose Not sure why .



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 9, 2016
clickklick: I meant it backwards. Must be palate fatigue, I usually smoke another after 5-6 hours but today was after just an hour.
dottiewarden: None of those things. :)

Jan 8, 2013
As for myself I think a blend has to "FIT" the pipe, Black Frigate or Lat heavy blends for example go with a freehand or a rustic type pipe, not something Id smoke in a gentlemanly Poker, Canadian or the such, the pipe and the blend should match the motif. Does that make sense?
I totally agree with this. Although my first couple smokes of Black Frigate (Finally just tried that stuff recently) went into one of my "nicer" less rustic looking freehands, more often than not when smoking a lat blend or something I might consider a more "rustic" type of smoke, it finds it's way into one of my freehands. It seems to help set the mood or atmosphere, and quite often, in my opinion, the mood and atmosphere can make or break the smoke.
That being said, I do believe the tobacco does sometimes choose the pipe. Bagpiper's dream for instance smokes better in the one Hilson I own than it does in any of my other pipes. So it seems to have chosen that pipe as it's own.



Feb 27, 2013
You will find certain diameter bowls, both in depth and side to side, will smoke certain tobaccos better than others. I tent to hang around .75" with little consideration for depth but I smoke a lot of Virginia and Virgina based, like VA/Per's and VA/Bur's etc. when it comes to high vitamin N tobaccos I tend to get into my smaller pipes since I get satisfaction out of a short smoke that is pleasant and not overwhelming.
A Poker will smoke fine with many different tobaccos you just have to experiment how much you fill the bowl, corn cobs tend to be a great choice for taste testing a tobacco new to you. You should also compliment your smoking experience by cleansing the palate with a drink that goes well with what you smoke, I like water, black coffe and either plain carbonated water or with some lime which I make myself so I can control te amount of carbonation, bourbon, scotch and other whiskey, whisky, can be complimentary as well but sugary, syrupy or overly sweetene beverages can make a good tobacco taste off, I find apple cider or apple juice messes up my palate but good strong black coffee works great for me. Everyone is different but starting with water is probably your best bet, also keep in mind the old timers would save heavier tobaccos for later in the day since they can overwhelm your palate, best of luck.




Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 9, 2016
Tried it again today, same tobacco, same pipe, all is well and wonderful. Strange. :)



Mar 25, 2014
Must be palate fatigue, I usually smoke another after 5-6 hours but today was after just an hour.
Seems like you nailed it!
I know if I overdo it, it just means time off to get my taste buds working again.

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