Another great one they stopped making.... :crazy:
thesmokindragon Lifer Jul 12, 2011 4,142 4,546 The Matrix Sep 10, 2012 #1 Another great one they stopped making.... :crazy:
zanthal Lifer Dec 3, 2011 1,835 1 Pleasanton, CA Sep 10, 2012 #2 Probably a business decision. I tend to agree, that churchwarden version is an excellent briar take on the classic clay shape.
Probably a business decision. I tend to agree, that churchwarden version is an excellent briar take on the classic clay shape.
plet Starting to Get Obsessed Aug 23, 2012 175 0 Denmark Sep 10, 2012 #3 They stopped making it??? I have the same, but in the smooth version. Great smoker! This is sad news!
They stopped making it??? I have the same, but in the smooth version. Great smoker! This is sad news!