Well, I do have something good to report. My blending tobaccos arrived yesterday and I have actually come up with something decent! I have produced a nice natural blend using Black Cavendish, Burley, VA and just a little bit of Cyprian Latakia and Perique. It's smooth, dry, cool and so far has smoked well in a cob, a meerschaum and lately a briar. It seems to smoke the best in the briar and even though that particular briar is notorious for needing relights, it has consistently smoked down to ash! I plan to let my fellow Texans use me as a human dart board next Friday and if it gets enough approval, I will see about sending a few bowls to some lucky people to test. If not, back to the drawing board.
I also created a simple flavoring and am working on an aromatic version, more like the original. so far, though, I'm pretty satisfied with the natural version!