?? The Meerschaum Lined Briar ??

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Might Stick Around
Nov 2, 2014
Puyallup, WA
Assuming I'm past the break-in period:

* Can I please get a few pluses & minuses compared to straight briar, and maybe some dos and don'ts?

** Since meerschaum has a propensity to record its smoking history (both good & bad) should estate pipes be avoided?
Randomly clicking through the forum's archives I found these laminated babies and was intrigued.

Aesthetically the contrasting tones marry well.

The "in-between" pipe factor produced thoughts of Midi Lathes and the .40 S&W.
Let it be known I've never owned or smoked a clay.

I saw one once, but was directed to look away.



Might Stick Around
Nov 2, 2014
Puyallup, WA
Thank you gigger.

You answered all my questions. Even the ones I was too sheepish to ask.

You also corrected my assumptions on tasting previous baccys.
Guess I'll go full clay then.



Might Stick Around
Mar 13, 2012
Just a thought, I know little about them don't own one but is there any point in making a briar pipe with meerschaum lining. I mean why don't they make them out of cheaper hard woods as the heat isn't touching the wood?



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I would pay good money to have a meer lined, leather wrapped Ropp simply because my second pipe was such. It was a heck of a good smoker and could evoke some great memories of my uni days. They are an entirely different animal from a block meerschaum. Apples and oranges as it where.
It was a cool smoking pipe and, to my adolescent mind, mafe me look very manly, almost Hefneresque. Easier to keep the bowl clean as no cake necessary, just wipe with a paper towel, poke the shank with a cleaner, reload and smoke away. Did not need the "rest" that briars are supposed to require. Since the meer is inside the bowl, handling was not a problem and no thought needed to be given to coloring. Seemed to have all the benefits of a meer at lower cost. Important considerations for a college kid.



Oct 15, 2013
I've got quite a few meer lined briars in my collection. These three are estate Whitehalls. I'm more likely to take up the two non-sitters just because I like the feel of them better with the wider bits. They are all made in France. No ghosting problems with these and with the lining and thick briar bowls they smoke very cool.



Might Stick Around
Nov 2, 2014
Puyallup, WA
Thank you gentlemen for the insight.

Those are some beautiful pipes you have tuold. Well used and dripping with history.

"Gotta love this forum and all its learned members". Wow!
Being the dim bulb I am I completely overlooked the meerschaum sub-forum.

Been studying up and absorbing all my little brain would allow.

I'm committed now.
Besides, Giggers guilted me with his:

I think all pipe smokers should have at least one meer...
Man, that really hurt.

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