fish', something to consider, though no one can replace Levi; he's a presiding spirit in your life. You might, in time, consider sitting for others' dogs, if they are healthy and well behaved, for limited stretches, like a weekend or a few days. Since a visitor dog wouldn't be as familiar, you might want to stick with smaller dogs that wouldn't throw you off balance or trip you up. When I'd lost a special and valued animal, I tried this. I specified no health problems and ended up with a diabetic cat, and when it showed up, it was huge, and I figured when I tried to inject it, it would shred me. But not at all. It was the sweetest cat in town, and took the injection as petting and attention. It would rub my shin, and when I petted it, it arched more and more until it toppled over. After that I was doomed to take on another companion. I'm not recommending that, but sometimes short visits are a good way to get some company from creatures. In any case ... great pipes!