I meant something like this, and of course it could be done without a screw tenon. Tapered stem, with the silver band(s) on either side of the connection
Got it.
That arrangement is a bit difficult to describe, isn't it? lol (I've never known if there's a single industry term for it)
Pretty much impossible to do invisibly well (talking about the seam) without several types of factory machines, though. And if it doesn't "flow" together, it would look all kinds of bad.
I haven't seen the design since the 1920's, in fact. Simply too demanding, I expect.
Jesse Barling has a DIAMOND SHANK pipe of that design, btw, that's about eleven inches long. It lines up PERFECTLY when screwed together...
I can't decide if proof that humans are capable of that level of committment and craftsmanship is inspiring or depressing. (It was made in the