The anguish of losing your favorite pipe

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Might Stick Around
Mar 23, 2011
There is something very special, very personal about a favorite pipe- and to lose that pipe drives one into a panic...
I had a favorite pipe that I lost 10 years ago, and have yet to find another one like it-It dropped out of my jacket pocket when I was exiting my car. I spent a whole day retracing my steps hoping to find it, but to no avail.
Funny, 10 years on I still miss that favorite pipe. Hopefully I can determine the technical name for that style of pipe, and find a replacement.
If you lost a favoirite pipe, did it hit you hard, or was it no big deal?



Can't Leave
Oct 5, 2010
Mississauga ON Canada
Luckily I haven't lost any pipes, Probably because its been less than a year that I've started smoking them =/.
Here's hoping you can figure out what type and brand pipe it was so you can find another!



Can't Leave
Dec 13, 2010
Newberry, SC
I had my third pipe stolen when I was in the military. I never found out who did it or got another. I've not seen one like it and don't know what it was called. I'm funny strange I reckon. When I sweat and bleed for a few dollars, I figure that when I obtain something it's supposed to be mine until I decide otherwise. I really dislike theives.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 27, 2010
Lord, I have lost... Pipes, lighters,pocket knives, Mont Blanc pens,eye glasses, keys,

You carry it... I have lost it!! I always hate it,,,but have come to realize that is one of the downsides of being me!!



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 2, 2011
I have misplaced pipe/s, tools, lighters, etc now and then. What really ticked me off was a few months ago I snapped the stem on one of my favorite pipes I've had for nearly 30 years. Wasn't an expensive pipe, a briar bent basket pipe I bought for about $25.00, but she was a good and loyal smoker for many years. Not sure its worth the money to get it she sits in broken ruin on the shelf reminding me of her long past and memories. :crying:



Might Stick Around
Feb 1, 2011
If I were to loose my favorite pipe it would probably haunt me forever.If it were stolen,that would be a different story.Sine we only have a few people over the house at any given time I would definitely found out who did it and then theyd certainly have to pay dearly.



Jun 2, 2010
A friend of mine sat on my most cherished pipe at the time. It was a Parker blasted zulu. One hell of a smoker and first few pipes ever bought. He felt so bad. I tried to play it off so that he didn't feel so bad, but I was mortified. I would like to get another, but i'm fearful that another Parker Jockey Club blasted zulu will not smoke as well as the original and I will be let down.



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
Through thoughtlessness, stupidity, and ignorance I had a pipe burn out because

I was careless enough to smoke it outdoors on a cold and windy day. It was my

first-ever pipe, a cheap Medico; but it smoked like a dream. That was over

40 years ago, and you'd think I would get over it; but as you can probably tell,

I'll keep kicking myself for it. :crazy:



Might Stick Around
Mar 23, 2011
Losing a treasured pipe is a terrible thing- I accidently broke one as well- that was no fun.

Is it possible to repair a broken pipe? i figure once a pipe is broken- it's broken



Feb 1, 2010
Losing a treasured pipe is a terrible thing- I accidently broke one as well- that was no fun.Is it possible to repair a broken pipe? i figure once a pipe is broken- it's broken
It's possible but I can't imagine it would ever be the same. Smoke a treasured pipe that has been broken would be like driving a car that was nearly totaled the day you bought it. You'd always know and it would never be the same.
Last summer I was in Boise and lost my Tilshead billiard. I can't for the life of me ever figure out why it was a Tilshead instead of an Upshall since it seemed flawless but it was 20 years old from when their standards were very high. I miss that pipe every time I look at my pipe rack.



Might Stick Around
Mar 23, 2011
My favorite pipe is like a security blanket- i have it on my person in a pocket at all hours of the day- its comforting to know it's within reach in case i need it- so losing a favorite pipe can be very distressing- Going out and just buying a replacement is not as easy as it sounds..I think I'll try and establish 2 favorite pipes- just in case I lose one..I have a favorite pipe, but I still haven't found one as good as my favorite pipe I lost 10 years ago..



Dec 24, 2010
North Carolina
My dog once got my favorite work pipe.I didn't realize it until I heard a crunch.The pipe of course was ruined.I still miss that pipe.



Can't Leave
Dec 14, 2010
I have pipes that stay home and others that I smoke on the go.

I learned awhile back, if you want to keep something, leave it home.

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