The Amazing Palmer Luckey

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Aug 4, 2019
I stopped reading the article at this point: “he attempted to solve the obesity epidemic by making food out of petroleum products centrifuged out of the sewer system…” I’ve never heard of him before and I hope it stays that way.


Jun 26, 2016
Near Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I stopped reading the article at this point: “he attempted to solve the obesity epidemic by making food out of petroleum products centrifuged out of the sewer system…” I’ve never heard of him before and I hope it stays that way.
"he maintains, which he only ditched because of the “marketing nightmare” of persuading people to eat remanufactured sewage."

Yes I would imagine that would be difficult, but people still drink Tim Hortons coffee, so it could be done.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
I can't help but feel like when tech or business guys get these types of write ups, it's essentially a paid ad. An ad that is somehow supposed to humanize them, while also telling us how different they are then us. But basically a P.R. move trying to see them as more then what they are.
It felt fluffy. And honestly if you're in that position there are problematic and not fluffy things about you. That's not even a critical statement on the person, just the position and what kind of person it takes to end up there and how being in such a position can alter a person. Like look it's interesting enough that people do these things, but people are kind of a grey mix of good, o.k., and messed up.