Has anyone else seen this documentary? I had no interest in watching it but have been thinking a lot about it since.
It’s an excellent film. I used to do a lot of mountaineering, not this caliber, but I’ve been to many of the places the film shows.
I highly recommend watching this film.
Reminded me of a river death on the Ocoee where a paddler was trapped inside his kayak, a doctor paddler stuck a rescue knife in the spray skirt to attempt to get him out only to cut the person's femoral artery and he bled to death.There’s a place in Alabama, up closer to where @Sweet Home Alabama lives, called Horse Pens 40, where there is the huge over hang off the side of the road. You can watch the pros practice technical climbing using gear, because of the overhang. Testing gear, going over technique… that sort of stuff.
I stopped in to watch with my girls when they were still kids. We watched this guy who was obviously training someone. He got to the top of the overhang, and he was resting upside down. And, he was doing something with his lines, that one of the other observers told is was just changing lines to anchors. Then just as he told us that, the guy fell, like over 100 feet, way over that.
My daughters and I witnessed him just crumple, folding like a wet wash cloth onto the rocks. The arobwas sucked out of everyone watching.
I haven’t repelled, nor have any of my daughters wanted to go repelling with their friends since. And, we used to go to clinging walls and do small climbs all the time before that. Every time I hear about climbing, that sight is burned into my mind.