Depends on all kinds of things. Do you plan to live with your parents while you continue your education or begin a career? If they have to live with your pipe smoking for several years to come, they have a lot to say. Is their resistance related to health, religion, or just their own non-smoking, or do you know? Have either of your parents ever smoked? I don't want the answers, but you need to clarify this in your mind. I felt compelled to move on and move out as a young guy, but I don't assume that's every person's, family's, or culture's way. Many young adults in Italy stay in their parents' home until they are into their thirties and no one feels this is peculiar or uncomfortable. Not my way. But I learned early, with my big independence ethos, that putting this on other people was very wrong. If you live at your parents' home, observe their rules, and if they don't want you to smoke, smoke your pipe elsewhere. This will help you decide how much independence you need and want, and you can act according based on this and many, many other things. Meantime, if you smoke while they're out, they will soon sniff it out and ask you to explain. As a beginner, don't start any fires. Don't smoke in bed. Buy a small fire extinguisher; no kidding.