As you fellas may have read in the NaNoWriMo thread, I recently threw my hat into the ring for the National Novel Writers Month. I have to complete 50,000 words by the end of the month, and I just broke the 20,000 word mark. It just donned on me earlier today that I have not smoked a pipe since I started this endeavor 6 days ago, so today, I made a little pledge/promise to myself: In order to exercise discipline and see this through to the end, I am going to cease smoking a pipe until these 50,000 words are complete. I am doing this as a motivator to finish what I start and I think the first pipe after the goal is reached will be that much better. Mind you, I am not stopping smoking all together, just long enough to reach my goal. At the rate I am going, I hope it won't take long. Wish me luck and smoke a pipe for me guys!